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Dear John,
We’re so proud to share the news that a collaboration between Futures Without Violence, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, and the National Council for Mental Wellbeing just won the Harry’s Open Minds Initiative search for the next great idea to improve mental health in the United States! Harry’s will donate $5 million to our new initiative, called Team: Changing MindsThank you Harry's!


Team: Changing Minds will be a groundbreaking national network of mental health responders dedicated to helping young people, and especially young men of color and male-identified youth, recognize signs of early mental health challenges and connect to support. 

Leveraging the wide appeal of youth sports and video games, our inaugural group of youth and adult mental health responders will be embedded in the activities kids love, putting help just a click, call, or connection away. 

Our goal is to transform how mental health support is delivered to young people -- and we need that kind of change. While half of chronic mental health challenges show up by age 14, it takes more than ten years, on average, until most people access help, with Black, Indigenous and other young men of color among the least likely to gain access to support. 

Team: Changing Minds will launch later this year.

The best is yet to come! Thank you so much for supporting our work, and for your ongoing partnership!
With respect,

Esta Soler
Founder & President


Brian O'Connor
Director, Public Education 
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The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129
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