You can say how great a nation is, you can say how great a city is, but if you don't invest in children and the teachers that educate them, you are engaged in the impoverishment of democracy. That is less than what you owe them. It is a moral travesty not to take care of all of our children!
- Rev. Dr. Barber addressing the striking teachers in Chicago, October 27, 2019
Last week, two hundred Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival delegates from over thirty states gathered in Chicago for the 2nd Annual National Coordinating Committee Convening. The city, that just a few weeks prior had seen one of the largest teacher’s strikes in history, was a fitting home for our gathering. We strategized, learned, sang, made art and visioned together for a world of freedom, equality and dignity, a world where no one goes hungry and each of us can live into our potential.
(Photo credit: Steve Pavey, #HopeInFocus)
We left fired up and ready to organize to end poverty in this country and to mobilize for the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington on June 20, 2020!
The digital launch for the mobilization will be on Wednesday December 4th. Registration links for the mobilization will go live and we will be doing a big social media push to get people to ‘Save the Date’ for June 20, 2020 and to register.
December 4th is a day with great meaning for our campaign. On December 4, 1967, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. announced the launch of the original Poor People’s Campaign, which sought to combat systemic racism, poverty, and militarism in this country through a massive redistribution of economic and political power. We honor his legacy by taking up the prophetic and deeply moral work he began – forward together, not one step back!
We need each of you to help get the word out about the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington on June 20, 2020! Please click here for the Dec. 4th Social Media Toolkit.
***Remember that the links will not go live until Dec. 4th so please start to get the word out on that date and beyond. Many of the resources in the toolkit will be useful in the months ahead.***
Finally, we want to hold up our brothers and sisters in the Apache Stronghold in their struggle for religious freedom and the right to their sacred lands at Oak Flats. Our petition is almost at 75,000 signatures, please help this critical struggle by taking a moment to sign and spread the word.
Fight poverty, not the poor!
The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
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