Idaho is leading by example.
While Joe Biden and his Democratic friends in Washington are spending TRILLIONS of dollars that our country does not have, Idaho is doing the opposite.
I signed into law the BIGGEST Tax Cut in Idaho’s history, and the results are already showing. That’s right. We cut over $600 MILLION in taxes.
Our country was built on economic freedom and individual liberty, but Joe Biden and the socialist Democrats want TOTAL government control. Inflation is at a record high thanks to Biden and his economic agenda, and it's HURTING families across Idaho.
We have to show the Democrats that the American people do NOT support their socialist policies and demand they end their radical spending that is creating historic inflation.
I want to send Joe Biden a list of 10,000 patriots demanding he end his radical socialist policies that are killing our economy. This is a huge ask, and I will need every American patriot like you to step up, John. Are you up for it?
Please add YOUR name RIGHT NOW to the Official Petition and demand Biden END his radical socialist spending spree that is destroying our economy. >> https://www.bradlittleforidaho.com/inflation/ Thank you,
Brad Little Governor of Idaho
Paid for by Brad Little for Governor, Vicki Risch Treasurer Unsubscribe |