Dear John,

Radicalism is on the rise in American politics. Renew America Foundation defines a political “radical” these days as someone who meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • Denies the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election, claiming the election was “stolen” from ex-President Donald Trump;

  • Openly and willingly spreads lies or unsubstantiated claims regarding the 2020 electoral process, with the purpose of sowing doubt in the validity of the result;

  • Publicly agrees with, promotes, or supports QAnon or related conspiracy theories;

  • Uses racist, anti-Semitic, sexist, or violent rhetoric or imagery in public social media posts or campaign materials;

  • Promotes, threatens, and/or sympathizes with the use of political violence; or

  • Is a member of, associates openly with, or uses the slogans or symbols of militant extremist groups and movements.

We’re tracking more than 250 public figures right now who fit these criteria—and who are seeking leadership positions in the U.S. government. We need to shine a light on these extremists. Can we count on you to help us reach our goal of raising $25,000 by the end of the month?

We need to hire researchers to continue to monitor and give real-time updates on what these dangerous individuals are saying. Your support today helps us keep Americans informed. Please consider making a contribution to our efforts today.

Thank you,
Miles Taylor
Executive Director
Renew America Foundation


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