Help us supercharge our efforts to help Amazon workers!

Dear Friend,


Amazon is a company that built a reputation for its ability to deliver products faster than other companies. In fact, when Amazon founder Jeff Bezos placed his first help wanted ad in 1994, he sought engineers who could do their job “in about one-third the time that most competent people think possible.” In 1999, as Amazon continued to expand, the company trained managers to look out for less compliant workers and suspect them of union activity. This sentiment carried on as the company continued to grow into the behemoth it is today.

Amazon workers in Bessemer, Alabama recently voted in a union election which has come down to a paper-thin margin and continues to be too close to call. Jobs With Justice continues to support workers seeking recognition and a seat at the table as they fight tirelessly against a company with a lengthy track record of union-busting, retaliation, intimidation, and an inability to accept election results and start bargaining. Help us hold Amazon accountable. Your donation will go straight to our hard-hitting and innovative campaign to hold Amazon accountable and help build an economy that puts people over profits.


Help us continue this ever-important work. We need to urgently raise $25,000 by May 16th to ensure we can supercharge our efforts to support Amazon workers locally who are fighting to join together into a union. Can we count you in?


In Solidarity,


Sam Nelson


Jobs With Justice