Dear Reader,
Join the Economic Policy Institute and Prospect co-founder Robert Kuttner for a virtual discussion of his new book Going Big: FDR’s Legacy, Biden’s New Deal, and the Struggle to Save Democracy tomorrow, May 3rd at 2pm EST!

Register here for the Zoom link:

As the 2022 midterm elections approach, President Biden faces multiple challenges with historic parallels. To solve the crises of democracy today, Biden has the moral imperative to remake our political system on the scale of the New Deal.

As Kuttner writes, "Joe Biden’s presidency will be either a historic pivot back to New Deal economics and forward to energized democracy, or a heartbreaking interregnum between two bouts of deepening American fascism. We are facing the most momentous threat to the American republic since the Civil War."

Tune in for an enlightening conversation with Kuttner on how the historic legacy of the New Deal should inform President Biden’s course of action in the present day, moderated by Valerie Wilson of the Economic Policy Institute.

Click here to RSVP for the link:

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