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Dear John,

The upcoming Mother’s Day holiday is a perfect opportunity to support an organization that I truly believe is vital to saving our democracy.

I’m going to start by making this personal. A lot of people thank me for the work I do. While I don’t think there’s anything special about it, it takes a lot of time and energy. And this is where the personal part comes in. When you think of people who engage in activism or run for office, it’s not the individual who makes the sacrifice - it’s their loved ones. In my case, while I was in Washington DC getting arrested for civil disobedience during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, my son, Sam, was writing his college applications. I knew he was fine and quite capable, but I am sure it would have been nicer to have his mom around, even if just to bring him snacks. In fact, I know it would have been. He recently admitted how much he resented the fact that I was away.

While I ran for congress, my daughter, Ellie was in her junior and senior years of high school. We both knew what we were missing but, fortunately, she understood why I felt I had to do it. And she even agreed to be featured in my campaign ad, which is truly not her thing. The day of the shoot, I thought it might not happen. But she used her impressive grit and got through it and she was fantastic. I just don’t know a lot of sixteen year olds who would choose that. (She and her brother gave me permission to share their stories.)

So why am I saying this? Because there are hundreds of moms who are running for office and facing even tougher choices than I did. Imagine moms of younger children who miss major milestones to fight for a better future for their families and the future of their communities.

And yet these amazing moms persevere. One way they gain strength is the extraordinary help of Vote Mama.

When I started my campaign, I struggled to gain support from national organizations given so many competing priorities and deserving candidates. Vote Mama, the first PAC in the country dedicated to increasing the political power of Democratic moms by disrupting systems that hold women back, came to my aid. Vote Mama provides direct financial support, mentorship, and endorsements. Liuba Gretchen Shirley, the founder, took my calls any time of day or night. Her wisdom and experience comforted me on the loneliest journey I have ever taken. 


On Saturday, May 7, I am honored to join some amazing moms who are hosting an event in support of Vote Mama in Calabasas. Most of you won’t be able to join in person, but if you can, please see the details here or below.

Either way, please consider making a contribution here in honor of every trailblazing mom who has run for office and all the brave moms still to come. The day we have a Congress that is made up of a majority of mothers is the day wars will cease, famines will be addressed properly, healthcare will be a right not a privilege, and justice will prevail.



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