One of the greatest environmental challenges of today is to minimize harmful CO2 emissions that enters our environment. Another great challenge is doing it in an efficient cost-effective way. Waves4Power has accepted both of these challenges and is fully determined to meet them in the best possible way.
Living on this planet and being part of human society comes with responsibilities. Waves4Power acts responsibly and works hard to offer both grid and off-grid users green energy solutions based on CO2 emission-free electricity from ocean waves.
Ocean Wave Motion = Electric Power
Waves4Power offers solutions for producing green energy from ocean waves. The waves harbor tremendous amounts of raw energy and represent the single largest untapped source of renewable energy today. Sustainable energy is key in our joint fight against global warming.
WaveEL the Converter
The heart of the Waves4Power system – the energy converter – is the WaveEL buoy. It’s a relatively small unit, well suited for the harsh environment in the open ocean. A system that will operate 24/7 and deliver green energy free of CO2 emissions.
The Team: The Waves4Power team represents a wide range of backgrounds that include all applicable skill sets and experiences to handle the challenges of green energy solutions based on wave power.
Particular strengths of the team; marine operations and diving, mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic design and engineering, hydrodynamic computer simulations, ship and infrastructure design, manufacturing, logistics, finance, business development, and market communication.
Guest Speaker: Hans Fredrikson
Hans Fredrikson co-founder and Senior Advisor to Waves4Power has spent his career in the aerospace business – Saab Aerospace in Sweden and The Boeing Company here in Seattle.
While employed by Boeing Hans and his brother Goran started, first AquaEnergy Group, Seattle and then W4P Waves4Power AB in Gothenburg Sweden. W4P’s purpose is to further enhance and commercialize a wave energy technology that has been developed over several years and now has been full scale tested and proven as a viable electricity producing technology.
We hope you will join us on Wednesday, May 18th for this informative presentation!
Youth v. Gov – Our Children’s Trust
The “YOUTH v GOV” - the independent feature-length, award-winning documentary by acclaimed Director Christi Cooper, Barrelmaker Productions, and Vulcan Productions about our federal children’s climate case, Juliana v. United States - will begin streaming globally on Netflix starting at 12:01am PDT, April 29th!
Please add this extraordinary film to your Netflix List NOW and make plans to watch it soon!
Watch The Film. Share It With Others. Make an Impact!
One of the most powerful actions you can take to support these young Americans fighting for climate justice in our courts is to watch the independent film that tells their story and then share it with others. Let’s get the film “YOUTH v GOV” trending on Netflix, social media, and around the world!
Community Action Training School
Community Action Training School seeks to empower community members to be the change they wish to see in the world. The program provides a robust series of FREE classes + field experiences addressing important watershed and salmon recovery issues—watershed health, water quality, native plants, salmon restoration challenges—and supports attendees in the design and implementation of (required) stewardship action projects within their own communities.
All classroom sessions run May 17 – September 13 from 6-8 pm at the Willow Creek Salmon & Watershed Education Center, 95 Pine St, Edmonds, Washington. We will also offer remote web-based login this year.
The class dates will be: May 17, June 7, Jun 28, July 12, July 26, August 9, August 30, and Sept 13.
Field trips will be on June 4, July 23, and September 10. Please be ready to devote a significant portion of the day for field experiences.
We are asking for a commitment to attend at least 80% of the sessions and complete a minimum of 50 hours toward a Stewardship Action Project. Stewardship Action Project hours can be put in from May to December 2022 and may, for some people, be ongoing beyond that depending on their project and how it is structured.
Online application here. Please apply on or before May 4--although you won’t be turned away if there is space available!
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!
Tracy Banaszynski
Mid Sound Fisheries Enhancement Group – Project Manger
c: 206.660.7958
Celebrate Bike Month with Move Redmond
Bike Month Happy Hour
Tuesday, May 3rd from 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Postdoc Brewing 17625 NE 65th ST Suite 100, Redmond, WA 98052 (map)
Celebrate Bike Month with Move Redmond! Ride on over to Postdoc Brewing to grab a drink and chat with other people who love to bike. We will share our big plans for a protected bike lane network in Redmond and give you the inside scoop on how to get involved! our campaign!
And, if you live in Redmond than you may know of the need for a protected basic bike lane in Redmond. This bike lane will help ensure a safe, and quality experience when biking in or around Redmond. We currently have a petition up, but we are looking for more folk to sign on, here is the link to sign.
K4C Elected Official Town Hall
Register now for the upcoming K4C Elected Official Town Hall.
Date: May 4th, 2020, 4 pm. Join King County Executive Dow Constantine and other K4C elected officials for a virtual town hall to hear discussions about the recent work of the K4C and the region's approaches to addressing the climate crisis.
Sustainability Webinar
Join us on Thursday, May 5 as we host a free 1-hour webinar featuring Missy Stults, PhD., sustainability and innovations director for the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Solving the climate crisis necessitates using every tool in our toolbox. Come hear how the City of Ann Arbor is working with residents, businesses, property owners, students, and internal staff to achieve the goal of a just transition to community-wide carbon neutrality by the year 2030, working across every scale, sector, and system in the local community. And learn about the work of the Office of Sustainability and Innovations to find replicable and scalable solutions that work in Ann Arbor and beyond. This high-energy presentation is sure to get you excited for the next step on your sustainability journey!
Speaker: Dr. Missy Stults is the sustainability and innovations director for the City of Ann Arbor. In this role, she works with all city operations, residents, businesses, the University of Michigan, nonprofits, and others to achieve a just transition to community-wide carbon neutrality by 2030, as outlined in the A2ZERO Carbon Neutrality Plan. Prior to joining the city, Missy worked with cities and tribal communities around the nation to advance their climate and sustainability goals, including during her time as the climate director at ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability and as a consultant to philanthropic organizations. Missy has a PhD in urban resilience from the University of Michigan, a Masters in Climate and Society from Columbia University, and undergraduate degrees in Marine Biology and Environmental Science from the University of New England.
Please note the start time in your time zone: 2 p.m. Eastern; 1 p.m. Central; noon Mountain; and 11 a.m. Pacific
Green Buildings Now Concert Fundraiser May 15
More about this project is available at
Tickets are available here: The Alaska Suite - A Benefit for Green Buildings Now Tickets, Sun, May 15, 2022 at 3:00 PM | Eventbrite.
This is a unique community project, Black-led, equity-focused.
Stop the Money Pipeline
A quick update on some plans that are coming together for the Chase & Chubb: Climate Criminals Week of Action.
May 17th is JPMorgan Chase’s annual shareholder meeting; May 19th is Chubb’s. As Chase is the world's largest funder of fossil fuels & Chubb is one of the world's largest insurers of fossil fuels, we'll be cranking up the pressure that week.
STMP will be doing a few things to support pressuring Chase and Chubb that week:
We'll organize four digital actions on our targets
· We'll create digital resources and toolkits & support & encourage partners to push out digital actions on Chase & Chubb.
· We’ll amplify actions that partners organize at the AGMs, branches, and offices that week (if you’re organizing one, let us know!)
· We’ll ship out more #DefundClimateChaos art & encourage folks to use the art at Chase branches and Chubb offices between May 16 and May 20.
If you would like some #DefundClimate Chaos art to use at a Chase branch or Chubb office that week, you can sign up for art here.
There are many ways that you can use the art during the Chase and Chubb week of action, including...
Tape Them Up: A lower-risk option than wheat pasting ― tape them up on a branch or office using painter’s tape.
Giant Sign Visuals: Assemble the posters and attach them to a cardboard sheet or rigid backing; make an a-frame or stand three images together, as a free-standing display; add your own additional images about Chase, Chubb, or /local impacts.
Pop Up Art Show: Display as an art show in front of a Chase bank together with the artists’ statements. Bring folding chairs, snacks on a table, and literature ― like a classic art gallery opening!
For more inspiration on how to use the art, check out the Arts Training from last month.
If you still have art leftover from the Week of Arts Actions, this is a great opportunity to get out there and use it. And if you participated in the #DefundClimateChaos week of arts actions & used up all of your art, you can order some more art for the Chase and Chubb Week of Action here.
In Solidarity
- Alec
And, a fundraising ask - Nationally and globally, the climate justice movement is led by Black and Indigenous communities. Yet, these communities don't receive a fraction of the funding that White-led NGOs receive.
To take one small step toward recognizing that, we're raising money for two powerful organizations on the frontlines of climate justice: The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon and the Vessel Project.
We’ve set a goal of raising $10,000 for these two organizations. Can you make a donation to help us get there?
The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon (known as CONFENIAE) represents approximately 1,500 communities of Amazonian Kichwa, Shuar, Waorani, Sapara, Andwa, Shiwiar, Cofan, Siona, Siekopai, and Kijus nationalities.
They organize to defend the rights of Indigenous peoples and confront the social and environmental impacts of resource extraction in the Amazon. Supporting CONFENIAE means supporting Indigenous communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis, and supporting Indigenous leaders and activists fighting for an end to fossil fuel extraction in the Amazon.
The Vessel Project is a mutual aid organization located in Southwest Louisiana that was founded by climate justice organizer, Roishetta Ozane, in the aftermath of a series of climate disasters that ravaged the area. The Vessel Project supports vulnerable community members in finding safe shelter, housing, food, healthcare, and other expenses like medical and phone bills.
Every cent we raise will go to the two organizations we’re raising money for; we won’t keep any of it ― whether you’re able to chip in $1 or $100, we’re deeply grateful for your support.
In Solidarity
- the Stop the Money Pipeline team
American banks are the world’s top funders of the fossil fuel companies that are causing our global climate crisis.
The Federal Reserve’s job is to manage risk and stop banks from making risky investments. But instead of doing its job, the Fed has allowed U.S. banks to fund fossil fuel companies to the tune of $1.2 trillion over the past 5 years since the Paris Agreement.
That’s why this Earth Day, and our partner organizations mobilized all across the United States to demand that the Federal Reserve steer banks away from fossil fuels to avert climate catastrophe.
Watch the highlights from our Fossil Free Federal Reserve actions, and then, will you share the video with your networks to help grow our movement calling on the Federal Reserve to get to work and prioritize climate action?
Team 350
P.S. Don't have social media? You can forward this email to friends and family and ask them to join our global climate movement by signing up here.
Thank you for all you do,
Emily, Marilyn, Lin, Lynn, Phil and Sara
350 Eastside