Friends, it’s gearing up to be a tremendously busy few weeks for Supreme Court news.


As this term’s oral arguments come to a close, the Court is preparing to make decisions that will threaten our most fundamental rights. With so much on the line, Americans are looking for solutions — and new polling shows that adding seats to the Supreme Court is popular among several voting demographics.

Check out that new data below, our new video with NowThis calling on Congress to investigate Clarence Thomas, as well as a preview of some harmful opinions we’re bracing ourselves for if the right-wing supermajority gets its way.


Court Chatter

A new poll conducted by Hart Research for The New Republic in March shows a majority (52 percent) of registered voters believe that increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court would strengthen democracy — including large majorities of the voters in several key voting groups.


Some takeaways:

“With each new bad decision, the rigged right-wing Supreme Court reminds the American public of its true intentions: serving a rich and powerful few and pushing a backwards, partisan agenda,” said Sarah Lipton-Lubet, executive director of Take Back the Court Action Fund. “Americans are watching the Court strip away their rights with impunity, and they’re ready to stop it. It’s no surprise that momentum behind adding new seats to the Court and restoring integrity to the judiciary is quickly growing.”


Check out our explainer on the polling and its implications here.


This latest show of support for Court expansion as a means of safeguarding our democracy comes right around the year-mark of the introduction of the Judiciary Act of 2021 in Congress — a bill that would immediately add four seats to the bench.


To mark the anniversary, Take Back the Court Action Fund sent an open letter to members of Congress calling on them to sign onto the bill after a year of heightened attacks by the stolen Court on Americans' fundamental rights.


Read our memo laying out some of the Court’s most egregious attacks here.



Should Clarence Thomas resign?

It’s clear that the American people want to reform this broken institution — and no justice embodies what’s wrong with the Court more than Clarence Thomas. That’s why we partnered with NowThis on a video breaking down his egregious violations of judicial ethics and the urgent need for a congressional investigation into his actions.

This is the biggest Supreme Court scandal in recent history and we cannot let up the pressure on Congress to do something, Watch and share the video >>>>


End of Term-perature Check

We’re coming up on the end of this Supreme Court term, which means this hyper-partisan Court will soon start releasing potentially disastrous decisions that threaten some of our most fundamental rights and the core tenets of our democratic system. By the end of June the right-wing majority will have weighed in on the future of climate protection, abortion access, gun violence prevention, the separation of church and state, and more.


MSNBC: SCOTUS's conservative wing is set to make a mockery of the separation of church and state


“Kennedy’s case represents part of the court’s steady march toward prizing the rights of individuals claiming freedom from government intrusion on their religious beliefs and activities versus the rights of all of us to live in a society free of government endorsement of religion. “


The Grio: Republicans look to the Supreme Court for the ‘green light’ to escalate their abortion attacks


“At this point, it’s clear that Republicans across the nation are now looking to this impending Supreme Court decision as an effective ‘green light’ to not only continue their attacks and efforts to criminalize abortions but to escalate their push to effectively eliminate abortions altogether, just as we’ve seen in Oklahoma and Kentucky.”


VICE: The Kochs’ Dream of Smashing Climate Action May Be About to Come True


“In June, the Supreme Court will deliver a potentially monumental decision in a case that could change the way the U.S. government works, and potentially hammer the EPA’s ability to lower greenhouse gas emissions. If that happens, you can thank a billionaire named Charles Koch…”


Fast Company: A landmark gun case could change New York’s concealed carry law—or worse


“Should the court rule in favor of the plaintiffs, it would strike down New York’s stringent law and potentially allow anyone to obtain a concealed carry permit; an even broader ruling could open the floodgates to revisiting a host of other common-sense gun laws. It’s the most significant Supreme Court case to determine the fundamental intent of the Second Amendment since 2008’s District of Columbia v. Heller…”


On the Docket: Biden v. Texas

Last week the Court heard arguments in Biden v. Texas, a case that could force the Biden administration to permanently reinstate Trump’s cruel Migrant Protection Protocols (“MPP”) — widely referred to as the “Remain in Mexico” policy.

This actually isn’t the first time that the Biden administration has gone to the Supreme Court in order to end this inhumane policy, that’s why so many are worried about the potential impact of this case on our nation’s immigration laws → We break it all down in our memo with Presente.Org — check in out HERE.


If you enjoyed this edition of Full Court Press, I hope you’ll consider chipping in to support our work to expand the Supreme Court to put power back where it belongs – with the people.