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Dear Press Freedom Supporter,

Tomorrow, we will celebrate World Press Freedom Day, and will mark the occasion with deep gratitude for our many supporters and advocates—people like you, who have stood with us in the fight for a free press when it was needed most.

That has especially been true recently, as we at CPJ have turned our attention to Ukraine and Russia.

Ukraine reporters food warehouseJournalists report from a warehouse destroyed in a Russian attack on the outskirts of Kyiv, Ukraine, on March 29, 2022. (AP/Rodrigo Abd)

Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, CPJ has sent safety information and support to journalists on the ground, and we continue to adapt as the situation changes. So far, that has included everything from helping journalists plan safer routes and coordinating the distribution of personal protective gear, to providing first aid kits and life-saving medical equipment. 

For those trying to flee the violence, CPJ is supporting the relocation of journalists and their families. We are working with the most vulnerable members of the press to help keep them safe as they keep the world informed.

CPJ also continues to provide crucial support all over the world–wherever press freedom violations occur. From Afghanistan to Ethiopia to Myanmar, this past year has been a challenging one for journalists everywhere, and yet, once again, you’ve stood with CPJ and helped defend the free press, so we are all able to make informed decisions about our world. 

If you aren’t already following and sharing CPJ’s work on social media, we hope you will join us there. You may also wish to invite friends, colleagues, or family members who might be interested in learning more about press freedom. You can help share our work, starting with this video in memory of journalists killed during the Russian war on Ukraine.

Finally, we hope you’ll consider donating to support CPJ’s work and mission

As a CPJ friend and supporter, you are our best ally in this fight. With your continued support, CPJ will defend journalists and work to uphold press freedom all over the world. 

Thank you for standing with CPJ. 

John D. Weis
Director of Development and Outreach

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Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108 - United States