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Monday, May 2nd, 2022

Will We Die for the New World Order?

Lew Rockwell

Clash of Christianities: Why Europe Cannot Understand Russia

Pepe Escobar

Dr. Naomi Wolf Compares Social Media Censorship to 1930s Book Burnings in Germany!


Here’s Everything the Media Won’t Tell You About Nina Jankowicz, Biden’s New Minister of Truth

Revolver News

St Augustine’s City of God vs the Rot of the Roman Empire

Matthew J.L. Ehret

Curfew for Anniversary of Odessa Massacre That Sparked Rebellion

Joe Lauria

Why Biden Pursues Politically Suicidal Policies

Lauri B. Regan

The Disinformation Board, PolitiFact, and the End of Free Speech

Boyd D. Cathey

Following the Science is Impossible and Stupid


US Weapons Supply to Ukraine Prepped in January

RT News

Big Pharma Set To Control Entire Food Supply

Alexandra Bruce

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid

Prof Michel Chossudovsky

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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