Good afternoon and welcome to our Weekend Update.
This week, I was in Washington, D.C., as Congress was in session.
Our nation is facing several significant issues, many created by the
policies of the Biden administration.
Ensuring the safety and security of the American people is one of
the most critical roles any elected official faces. That is why I have
and continue to be so concerned with the ongoing crisis at our
southern border. This week, I joined my House Republican colleagues in
calling on Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro
Mayorkas to reverse the Biden Administration's disastrous immigration
policies and secure our southern border.

The Biden administration's disregard for their obligation to secure
our southern border has detrimental impacts on Pennsylvanians and all
Americans. Title 42 must remain in place, and this administration owes
the American people a real plan to bring order to an out-of-control
border. This week, I joined with 53 of my House Republican
Congressional colleagues, and the Texas Public Policy Foundation, in
filing an amicus brief in support of the Title 42 injunction lawsuit
filed by the Louisiana, Arizona and Missouri Attorneys General.
Again, this administration has routinely shown more interest in
enforcing draconian mandates against the American people than those
illegally entering our nation.
As concerned as I am about what the Biden administration and DHS
are NOT doing at the border, I am equally concerned by what they are
trying to do to stifle free speech. This week, Secretary Mayorkas
announced that the Biden administration plans to establish a
Disinformation Governance Board within the DHS. While I am concerned
about the disinformation from White House Communications Director Jen
Psaki, the government has no right to police free speech.
Unfortunately, that is what Putin and the Russians do.
Every American has a right to free speech as protected by the First
Amendment of the United States Constitution. A government entity that
policies the statements of its citizens is anti-American and is an
insult to the countless brave Americans who spent their lives fighting
for our nation to protect those rights.
Making matters worse is that Nania Jankowicz is set to lead the
board, proving they only plan to censor certain viewpoints (aka
conservative views). In the past, she has identified the Hunter Biden
laptop story as misinformation and has engaged in extreme leftist
activism and partisan attacks. She has even called America
systematically racist and compared President Trump to the "leaders of
authoritarian countries."
The Federal Government is bound by the U.S. Constitution to protect
the rights of the people, not to suppress them. Therefore, I strongly
urge the Biden administration to withdraw this initiative, and I will
be active in efforts to stop it from coming into existence.
While the Biden administration attempts to stifle free speech, I am
pleased that Elon Musk successfully purchased Twitter and plans to
embrace free speech. That is a positive step in the right direction.
The fact that President Trump was barred from the platform while
authoritarian and radical regimes were allowed to continue utilizing
the platform tells you everything you need to know about the past
leadership of Twitter. Kudos to Elon Musk for embracing free
This week, I participated in the House Committee on Small Business
hearing with the Small Business Administration's administrator Isabel
Guzman to discuss their 2023 budget. I often meet with small
businesses throughout our district, and they are battling soaring
inflation, rising energy costs, and labor shortages. Although we have
excellent relations and responsiveness from the SBA in Pennsylvania,
the Biden administration has offered no solutions to the underlying
issues. Instead, they have offered regulatory and tax plans which will
burden small businesses further. Instead, they discuss becoming a
"voter agency" and dedicating millions of dollars to climate change.
The SBA must refocus on its mission to advocate for our small
Meanwhile, things continue to worsen for the American family as our
dollars are not stretching as far as they previously have. That is a
direct result of Biden's failed economic plan, which has created the
highest inflation in 40 years, crushed small businesses, and led to
our economy shrinking this year. As many small businesses struggle to
remain open, Biden and Democrats have proven to be out of touch as
they double down on their disastrous policies.
The Whole Story on Biden's Economic Struggles:
The upcoming elections for U.S. Senate and Congress are critical.
We must ensure our Republican candidates win so we can begin to put
checks and balances on the extreme agenda of the Biden
Our most profound concern, prayers and support with the people of
Ukraine as they continue to bravely fight back against the Russian
invasion. This week, we met with members of the Ukrainian parliament
in Washington.

We also joined our good friend Paul Mango, former Deputy
Chief of Staff for Policy, Department of Health & Human Services
under President Trump. He is releasing his new book, Warp Speed:
Inside the Operation That Beat COVID, the Critics, and the
Odds. The book is released to the public later this month, and I
encourage you to check it out.

On the Campaign Trail:
We have attended as many events as possible throughout the district
to support our Republican ticket.
Last Sunday, I was in Schuylkill County to visit our candidates,
including Dave Barton, running for State Representative.

We held a meet and greet in Tunkhannock in Wyoming County on
Monday. We were joined by Wyoming County GOP Chair Davis Haire,
Bradford County GOP Chair Dick Harris, Wyoming County Commissioner
Rick Wilbur, Bradford County Commissioner Doug Mclinko, Wyoming County
District Attorney Joe Peters and many others.

Yesterday, we were back in Tunkhannock to speak at the Wyoming
County Council of Republican Women Luncheon held in Tunkhannock. I was
joined by their President Donna Spudis, Vice President Donna DePue,
State Senator Lisa Baker, State Representative Tina Pickett and many

We received the American Conservative Union Foundation Award for
Conservative Achievement this week. It is a great honor and a
recognition of the work we are doing in Washington to be a champion of
conservative values.

With just weeks until the Primary Election, this year is moving
quickly. This fall, we have some consequential elections, and we will
need everyone to push hard to win elections for our Republican team at
the federal and state level. Our campaign has yard signs available,
and a limited number of 4x8s are available. If you would like a yard
sign, please email [email protected]
or call 570-915-3027.
Tonight, I am on my way to the Bradford County Republican women's
Lastly, I understand that there are many commercials on the
airwaves, and it is hard to separate the truth from the campaign
rhetoric. I would encourage you to do your research and review the
candidates' records individually. I did that, which is why I am
supporting Dave McCormick for the U.S. Senate. Click
here to learn more about Dave.
Keep up the faith and the fight,