Weekly Round Up
Quincy in the News

May 1, 2022

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South Asia and the Global South Amid Sharpening Great Power Rivalries
Tuesday, May 3, 10:00-11:00 AM ET
A conversation between Shivshankar Menon, former Indian National Security Advisor and Foreign Secretary, & Director of Studies Sarang Shidore.

Can China and the U.S. Coexist Productively? A Conversation with Kevin Rudd
Monday, May 9, 5:30-6:45 PM ET
Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd discusses his new book on U.S.-China relations with East Asia Director Michael Swaine.



The Ukraine War Is Ballooning America's Military Industrial Complex
By Andrew Bacevich, President
The New Republic, 4/29/22

The U.S. has sent thousands more troops to Europe, and spent billions on weapons for Ukraine. Meanwhile, the Pentagon budget continues to grow. Americans are paying the price for it.


Flexibility Can Bring Pyongyang Back to Negotiations
By Non-Resident Fellow David Kang & Senior Research Fellow Jessica Lee 
Foreign Policy, 4/27/22

The playbook of demanding that Pyongyang move first while withholding reciprocal measures until the United States determines that North Korea is sufficiently secure has not worked and will not work.


As Pentagon Chief Talks of 'Weakening' Russia, Is U.S. Treating the Ukraine Conflict as Proxy War
Interview with Anatol Lieven, Senior Research Fellow
Democracy Now!/PBS, 4/28/22

Recent comments by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin imply a shift towards more expansive strategic aims in Ukraine.


Tell Us How This War in Ukraine Ends
By George Beebe, Grand Strategy Director
Responsible Statecraft, 4/29/22

As calls grow for a 'victory' over Russia, we should examine whether such a win-lose outcome is even possible.


Elites Are Getting Nationalism All Wrong
By Stephen Walt, Non-Resident Fellow
Foreign Policy, 4/27/22

Given the abundant evidence of nationalism's enduring importance, why do so many smart leaders underestimate it?


Solomon Islands-China Deal Punctures U.S. Complacency
By Robert Ross, Non-Resident Fellow
Responsible Statecraft, 4/26/22

Instead of threats and retaliation, Washington must offer Pacific nations real attention and economic cooperation. 



Peace in Ukraine: What Will It Take and How Can It Happen? by Denis Staunton/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Irish Times, 4/30/22

Biden’s Dangerous New Ukraine Endgame: No Endgame by Michael Hirsh/ Quoted: Director of Grand Strategy George Beebe, Foreign Policy, 4/29/22

The U.S. Needs More Arms Control Talks With Russia, Not Less by Intern Nick Cleveland-Stout, The National Interest, 4/29/22

To Govern the Globe by Jesse Robertson/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, CounterPunch, 4/29/22

The Ukraine Conflict Is Not About American Freedom by President Andrew Bacevich, The Nation, 4/28/22

Biden’s $33B Ukraine Play by Alex Ward & Quint Forgey/ Cited: Quincy Institute, Politico, 4/28/22

Did Janet Yellen Just Signal a New World Economic Order? by Advocacy Director Marcus Stanley, Responsible Statecraft, 4/28/22

Did the U.S. Really Take Russia’s NATO Concerns ‘Very Seriously’? by Deputy Communications Director Alex Jordan, Responsible Statecraft, 4/28/22

Putting Biden's New Whopping $33B Ukraine Package Into Context by Research Fellow Ben Freeman & Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Responsible Statecraft, 4/28/22 

Top Pentagon Contractors Spend Less on Lobbying as Demand for Weapons to Ukraine Rises by Taylor Giorno/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Open Secrets, 4/28/22

U.S. Says Iran Deal Still Possible; Breakout Time Is 'Few Weeks' by Elizabeth Hagedorn & Andrew Parasiliti/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Al-Monitor, 4/28/22

As Screws Tighten on Russia, a Warning About Civilian Harm of Sanctions by Murtaza Hussain/ Cited: Quincy Institute, The Intercept, 4/28/22
European Officials: Stop Dawdling and Pass the JCPOA Already by Contributing Editor Jim Lobe, Responsible Statecraft4/27/22
The Horrible Dangers of Pushing a U.S. Proxy War in Ukraine by Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Responsible Statecraft, 4/27/22

Russia on Fire by Ryan Heath/ Cited: Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, Politico, 4/27/22

WEBCAST: A Spring Offensive of Terror: IS-K & TTP Violence in Afghanistan & Pakistan featuring Tamim Asey, Asfandyar Mir, Jonathan Schroden, Elizabeth Threlkeld, & Adam Weinstein, Quincy Institute, 4/26/22

Amid the War in Ukraine, PR Firms Defend Russian-Tied Clients by Hailey Fuchs/ Quoted: Research Fellow Ben Freeman, Politico, 4/26/22

Gulf Funded Think Tank Turns Pro-Saudi, UAE Messaging Up to 11 by Research Fellow Ben Freeman, Responsible Statecraft, 4/25/22 
PODCAST: Nuclear Terror Redux, Interview with Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow Joseph Cirincione, History As It Happens/ Washington Times, 4/25/22

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