Water-smart green roofs and plazas make a splash in Rotterdam

Projects sprouting across Rotterdam aim to keep communities safer from climate extremes, while bringing them closer together

Africa's largest wind power project opens in northern Kenya

About 70% of the nation's electricity comes from renewable sources - more than three times the global average

Featured in: Wind energy

Power-short Zimbabwe removes barriers to solar energy expansion

With climate change hitting hydropower, boosting solar power could help ease blackouts and support growth, the government says

Featured in: Solar energy

Researchers warn of 'unexpected implications' as climate risks converge

Researchers warned environmental risks are becoming increasingly interconnected and could create far-reaching consequences

'Only you know' if we did enough, says memorial to Iceland's lost glacier

All the world's glaciers are set to vanish within 200 years, says a memorial to future generations, which invites them to judge whether the world did enough

Private investors protect vast forests in U.S. coal country

A conservation group has purchased almost 400 square miles of land in a project that could offer a new model to protect natural environments

Featured in: Forests and climate change

Plastic from burlap? Bangladesh invents a green throw-away bag

Bags made from jute fibre - a longtime crop in Bangladesh - look and feel like plastic

Featured in: Cutting plastic waste

Sustainable oil, less smoke: Singapore student fights haze threat

"We can't sit idle and watch as spectators," says 17-year-old working to cut forest burning and for use of more sustainable palm oil

Featured in: Palm oil and deforestation

Malaysian activists urge lawmakers to get tough on forests losses

A march Thursday aims to push legislators to change the constitution to create national control of forests and create stronger penalties for deforestation

Featured in: Forests and climate change

Torch, radio...house deeds? U.S. readies for hurricane season

Clear proof of ownership, legal experts say, is the key to unlocking vital government aid after a hurricane sweeps through

Singaporeans head to fire hotspot village in Indonesia to tackle haze

About 2.6 million hectares of land in Indonesia was burned between June and October 2015, mainly on Indonesia's Sumatra and Borneo islands

Featured in: Forests and climate change

* Feel free to republish the stories above as long as credit is given to the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

June 2019 was the hottest June on record across the globe -NOAA

The latest temperature records provided fresh evidence that the buildup of carbon emissions in the atmosphere is destabilizing Earth's climate system faster than scientists had expected

As U.S. heat wave breaks records, cooling centers offer relief

Officials implored everyone to stay inside as much as possible and be alert for the signs of heat stroke

Death toll from India, Nepal, Bangladesh floods jumps to over 300

Authorities are struggling to deliver relief supplies to marooned people

Bolsonaro accuses state agency of lying on Brazil deforestation

Deforestation in the Amazon in July was nearly 70 percent higher than a year ago, according to satellite data from Brazil's space agency

Protected forests to grow under new rules, says palm oil watchdog

Tighter rules on deforestation should result in conservation areas growing, says the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

UK lawmakers to count environmental cost of mass tourism

"When we book a cruise, flights or visit a popular tourist destination, it's easy to forget about the environmental impact our holidays are having"


OPINION: As climate threats to cities grow, the time to act is now

As the costs and threats from climate change rise, the key is not to wait until it’s too late to take action

OPINION: It's time to address the root causes of human suffering in the Sahel

Military and humanitarian efforts in the Sahel will fail unless there is sustained development, better leadership and action on climate risks

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