You have been instrumental in supporting our local elections campaign and we are truly grateful that you've been by our side every step of the way. Vote Green 5 May!



You have been instrumental in supporting our local elections campaign and we are truly grateful that you've been by our side every step of the way.


As we move closer to election day, we wanted to thank you for all your ongoing support. Supporters are the very heart of of the Green Party and we cannot do this without you.


From every leaflet that has been delivered, to all the doors that have been knocked on, to all the important conversations you've had, and all the funds we have raised together - your support has been key in helping us reach as many potential voters as possible. 


We have received an overwhelming amount of support in our fundraising for the elections so far, allowing us to campaign to elect Greens all over England and Wales. The cost of living crisis is making everyday life tough, and your support does not go unnoticed during this difficult time. 


Every action moves us closer to electing more Green councillors, so that we can build communities that are truly fairer and greener. We need real plans across every single sector, including energy, housing, transport and agriculture. The government doesn’t have them, but we do.


An X on your ballot paper next to your Green Party candidate is a vote to tackle the climate emergency and the cost of living crisis, so we won't have to choose between keeping our houses warm and feeding our families.


On behalf of all of us at the Green Party, thank you again for all that you have done over these past months. Vote Green Thursday 5 May!


P.S. In the coming days, we will keep you up to date with results as they come in. Stay tuned.


-- Green Team 💚