We’re following up on Maura’s email from yesterday with an important update:

Maura Healey for Governor

Hi there! We’re following up on Maura’s email from yesterday with an important update:

Right now, we’re lagging behind on our $15,000 end-of-month goal. We’re making progress, though, which means your donation could be the one that puts us over the top. Will you pitch in what you can before midnight?

We have some big plans to connect with voters all across Massachusetts, especially those in communities that have been all too often overlooked or left behind.

But we need the resources to put those plans into action. Reaching our $15,000 goal by midnight tonight means we’ll be able to knock on more doors, make more phone calls, and just be able to do more of the organizing work that connects with voters and wins critical elections like this one.

We have just hours left before our deadline. If you can, will you chip in and help us close the gap?

Thanks so much,

Team Healey

P.S. In case you missed it, we’ve included Maura’s original email below so you can see why this deadline is so important to all of us.


From: Maura Healey
Sent on: April 29, 2022

This email is a little bit long, but I hope you'll take a moment to read it and understand why reaching our $15,000 end-of-month fundraising goal is so important. If you'd like to chip in to help us get there, just click here.

Growing up, I learned the importance of teamwork early on. I'm the oldest of five, and my mom raised us while working as a school nurse. It wasn't always easy, but any challenges that came our way were no match for us. Our mom taught us that the foundation of a strong team is built on community, grit, and caring for others – and that made us unstoppable.

I've carried these values with me throughout my life. Time and time again, I've seen that we can go further together than we can on our own – which is why I'm reaching out to this grassroots team for your help.

Running for Governor is our greatest challenge yet. But we can win this if we work hard, which is why our campaign is dedicated to reaching voters all across the state. To do that, we'll have to run a bunch of ads, send out thousands of mail pieces, and knock on thousands of doors.

A campaign of this scale gets really expensive, really fast – but I know this grassroots team is up for the challenge.

If we band together and reach our $15,000 goal, we'll have the resources we need to build our movement to move Massachusetts forward. Will you chip in $5, or more, to get us there? With just over 24 hours left, every dollar chipped in is a big help!

Thanks so much,
