John —

There have been a couple of major developments in our race over the past couple of weeks, and it’s all led up to me making a tough decision.

First, Kevin McCarthy was caught on tape telling GOP leaders he wanted Trump to resign.

Then, I called him out on it.

Now, his $125 million political machine just threw its support behind one of my Republican opponents right before ballots go out for the primary (and with California’s top 2 primary system, I’m on the ballot against them!)

I’ve had to make the tough decision about whether we’re going to spend our resources now to make sure we win this primary, or save them for the election in November. I decided we should go big now, because if we can get people to vote for me in this primary, I know they’ll show up for us again when it really counts in November.

So what does this mean? We’re making big investments right now with campaign mailers, digital ads, and resources for organizing like water and snacks for our volunteers - and it’s all happening right before our end-of-month fundraising deadline.

We need to raise another $15,000 by tomorrow at midnight so we can fund all of these efforts and not detract from our fundraising progress. Can I count on you to rush in a donation today?

Here is a personalized link so I can share my thanks:

- Josh


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Republicans spent MILLIONS attacking Josh, now he is in DANGER! Josh "might be the most vulnerable Democrat on the map." - Dave Wasserman, Cook Political Report. Donate now to protect California's most vulnerable Democrat.

Josh is running for re-election to deliver for working families whose voices are too often ignored in DC. Will you help him keep up the fight in Congress by making a contribution today?

Harder for Congress
PO Box 4426
Modesto CA 95352 United States

Paid For By Harder for Congress
