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"This isn't just some corporate takeover," said one critic. "This is about a set of very specific moves that our oligarchs have been taking that have gradually concentrated economic, political, and discursive power in fewer and fewer hands."
"He should have never been detained for even one day," said an Amnesty International official, "as it has been clear the whole process against him has been in retaliation for his human rights work that exposed corporate wrongdoings."
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Senator Manchin has already sabotaged his own party’s Build Back Better plan to address the climate crisis. Now he wants to delay and divert action on climate by building his own nuclear empire.
Have we all been witnessing a young con-man walk away with billions after selling out Yemen, Khashoggi, and the U.S.? With virtually no questions from Congress or the mainstream media?
The strategic goal of "weakening Russia" is playing with fire—even nuclear fire—and to allow the war to go on indefinitely, or to escalate, at the expense of the Ukrainian people is cruel, dangerous, and unacceptable.