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Please oppose 480+ wi-fi antennas in Yellowstone
A large-scale wireless communication system covering Canyon Village, Grant Village, Lake, Mammoth Hot Springs, and Old Faithful is proposed, including five microwave antenna locations, twelve wireless backhaul antennas, and up to four hundred and eighty (480) transceivers. 

Send comments by Friday, November 29


I oppose the deployment of wi-fi and other wireless radiation technology in Yellowstone, and all National Parks. Peer reviewed published science shows wireless radiation harms trees, birds, bees and insects. Peer-reviewed published science shows wireless radiation harms people, and children are especially vulnerable. People with electromagnetic sensitivity (EHS) depend on having wi-fi free accommodations and access to nature to restore and heal. Increasing wi-fi in parks could become an ADA issue. 

Wired and corded communications are safer and more reliable. Protect people, nature, and access to our wilderness treasures by creating policy to reduce wireless radiation throughout the park. Invite visitors to unplug and enjoy nature.

See science references in this joint letter to Congress asking them to oppose wireless radiation expansion: http://emfsafetynetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Letter-to-Congress-2017-1.pdf

Thank you for your consideration. 

How to order brochures: The "What are EMFs?" brochure to has been updated to include 5G. "What are EMF's?"  is a basic overview and introduction of EMF problems, science, solutions.

Send an email to [email protected] for a higher resolution of 5G artwork by Shelley Masters

Please donate to support our work. To pay by check mail to EMF Safety Network PO Box 1016, Sebastopol CA 95473. Or click on the yellow donate button- Paypal has a credit card option. 
For information on how to make tax deductible donations, click here: http://emfsafetynetwork.org/donate-now/


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