From Connecticut Democrats <[email protected]>
Subject Can you help us expand our voter outreach program?
Date April 30, 2022 6:49 PM
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  Links have been removed from this email. Learn more in the FAQ.
John, we've set an ambitious goal of raising $15,000 before next week’s Democratic Convention in Connecticut to show the CT GOP that we’re prepared to win big in November.

Governor Lamont, Lt. Governor Bysiewicz, Senator Blumenthal, every member of Connecticut’s congressional delegation, and so many other incredible Democrats are counting on our support this year.

If we can reach this goal, we can expand our work mobilizing support for every Democrat on the ballot in Connecticut this year. Please donate $10 or whatever you can before next week’s convention! [[link removed]]

See below for Nancy’s email to you from earlier today, and thanks in advance for your support!

Original Message from CT Dems Chair Nancy DiNardo:

John, Connecticut’s 2022 Democratic Convention is just one week away, and the CT Democratic Party has an ambitious fundraising goal before then.

I’m reaching out to ask if you can help us raise $15,000 before next week’s convention to fund our voter outreach program and help secure victories for Governor Lamont, Senator Blumenthal, and every other Democrat on the ballot this year.

Can you donate $10 now? Republicans are spending big money this year, so it’s critical that we have the necessary resources to fight back. [[link removed]]

DONATE NOW [[link removed]]

Next week, thousands of delegates from every corner of our state will gather to endorse Democratic candidates for all statewide races. This convention is a critical part of ensuring our state’s Democratic candidates have the support they need ahead of November.

In response to our April survey, members of this grassroots team agreed that we need to focus our resources on volunteer recruitment, phone and text banking, and door-to-door canvassing to ensure that Connecticut Democrats win big in November.

But John, we can’t fund this work without grassroots support — that’s why I’m asking if you can help us reach this $15,000 goal before next week’s convention.

With your support we can expand our voter outreach program and mobilize Democratic organizers, activists, and voters in every Connecticut community. Any amount that you can chip in before April ends will help us get closer to our goal! [[link removed]]

Thanks for your support,

Nancy DiNardo
CT Democratic Party Chair
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
[link removed]
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