Watch Tom Z Explain WHY the Ohio Senate Primary has NATIONAL Implications for the MAGA Movement!
We ALL want them! ALL the candidates say they support them! But we don't have federal term limits and we NEVER WILL because once elected, officials will not vote to limit themselves!

Why do We the People want Term Limits? Because as this chart shows, the system is so RIGGED that we can't vote them out once they turn on us! That's what happened with Rob Portman!
The reality is that a US Senator has like a 92% chance of being re-elected AS MANY TIMES AS THEY WANT and a US House Member has like a 97% chance! So, when we vote on May 3rd, we need to factor in that we are NOT voting to elect someone to a single six year Senate term! No matter what they say when they are campaigning! Why, because once elected, their funders decide how long they stay in office! They are so valuable to their funders that they can't leave and many don't leave for 30 YEARS or more. Like Mitch McConnell (1985-2022), Chuck Grassley (1981-2022), Patrick Leahy (1975-2022), and poor 88 year old Diane Feinstein (1994-2022) and way too many others!
So this Single Fact May Help You Decide Who Will Gets your Vote for Ohio US Senator Next Tuesday, May 3rd!
It is a fact that Mike Gibbons is, shall we say, "biologically term limited" and could serve maybe three terms but he says he only wants to serve one. It is a fact that JD Vance and Josh Mandel have essentially no limit on how long they can stay in the Senate if Ohio voters elect them once this fall. If all three candidates are relatively equal as far as "conservative views" are concerned, if you believe in term limits, these facts should have a major impact on who get's your vote on May 3rd!

For Immediate Release: Friday, April 8, 2022 
Contact: Tom Zawistowski,

We the People Convention Endorses
Mike Gibbons for U.S. Senate

Akron, OH: Today, Tom Zawistowski, President of the We the People Convention (WTPC), announced that his organization is endorsing Cleveland businessman Mike Gibbons for U.S. Senate in the Republican Primary Election. The Ohio Republican Primary will be held on Tuesday, May 3rd with Early Voting now available.

In making the announcement, Zawistowski said, “The We the People Convention is proud to endorse Mike Gibbons for US Senate in the Republican Primary Election as we did in 2018. Mike is with us on all the conservative issues. He is Pro-Family, Pro-Life, Pro-Jobs, Pro-Business, Pro-Parents Rights, Pro-Gun, Pro-Free Speech, Pro-Religious Freedom, Pro-Trump, Pro-MAGA and Anti-Illegal Immigration, Anti-CRT, Anti-Big Government, Anti-Government Mandates, Anti-Deficit Spending, and Anti-Socialism. He is endorsed by Rand Paul. So he is going to fight in the Senate like Rand Paul and with Rand Paul against Mitch McConnell. Importantly, In our opinion, Mike Gibbons is the only conservative candidate who has the financial resources necessary to win not only the Primary but the General Election in November. Like Trump, he cannot be bought by special interests which we rarely see in a conservative candidate. That means, like Trump, if elected, his votes in the Senate will not be swayed by special interest because he only answers to we the voters of Ohio. No small thing.”

Zawistowski continued, “When he wasn’t running for anything, Mike Gibbons did not disappear like so many politicians. He stayed with us in 2019 and 2020 and did his part in helping us win Ohio again for President Trump. That tells us a lot about the man and how he feels about our country and our movements efforts to defend individual freedom, liberty and prosperity. Finally, Term limits. Gibbons says he only wants to serve one or two terms. That’s laudable. Lots of politicians say that and then don’t. Mike Gibbons is 70 years old, so he is not going to be in Washington for a long time and yes that is actually important to us. We have no interest in electing any more people to the Senate who will be there for 30 years. Mike Gibbons is conservative, he is competent, he has the demeanor necessary to be an effective Senator, and he will support President Trump and the Make America Great Again agenda.” 

Zawistowski concluded, “Based on these reasons, we are confident that we have endorsed the best conservative candidate who can win in the US Senate race and that is Mike Gibbons. I personally ask all of our members, and all real Republicans and Trump supporters in Ohio, to not only get out and vote for Mike Gibbons, but to put up signs and volunteer to help his campaign. You can learn more at .”

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 
Contact: Tom Zawistowski,

We the People Convention Endorses
Jim Renacci for Ohio Governor

Akron, OH: Today, Tom Zawistowski, President of the We the People Convention (WTPC) and Executive Director of the Portage County TEA Party, announced that his organization is endorsing Jim Renacci for Ohio Governor in the Republican Primary Election and Joe Knopp as his Lt. Governor.

Zawistowski said, "I will be voting for Jim Renacci and Joe Knopp personally and I ask all conservative Republican voters in the Primary to vote for them as well. Mike DeWine does not deserve to be re-elected. DeWine illegally delayed our primary election in 2020. DeWine picked winners and losers during the China virus pandemic and ordered thousands of small businesses to close down by declaring that they were "nonessential" while promoting big box stores as "essential". His thuggish running mate, Jon Husted, brazenly came on our TV's and said that he "would shut off your electricity and natural gas" if your business did not comply with his tyrannical commands to close your business immediately. DeWine and Husted grossly mismanaged the Ohio unemployment system that they knew was broken, and promised to fix, but instead their pathetic efforts delayed critical checks from getting to Ohio families for weeks and months in a time of need while they sent millions of dollars to people who were not eligible. He misused "emergency" powers to violate our Constitutional rights. He sided with the teachers unions over the best interests of our children. DeWine sided with big Pharma and the Ohio Hospital Association and restricted our access to prophylactic treatment to protect against Covid and pushed vaccinations and totally ineffective mask rules. No conservative, no real Republican, certainly no one who supports President Trump's MAGA agenda, can vote for Mike DeWine."

Zawistowski continued, "Many people forget that Jim Renacci was the mayor of Wadsworth, Ohio which gives him important executive experience other candidates don't have. Plus, he is a very successful businessman, so he knows how to run large organizations and work with other businesses. Another critical skill for a Governor. Finally he was a U.S. Congressman and so he knows how Washington, DC works, or doesn't. Which also is critical knowledge for anyone who is the governor of a state because so much of the money, too much, comes from Washington, DC to the states - with strings attached. These life experiences make Jim Renacci eminently and uniquely qualified to be Ohio's next Governor and why he is deserving of your vote. We gladly endorse him and Joe Knopp in the upcoming Republican Primary."



For Immediate Release: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 
Contact: Tom Zawistowski,

We the People Convention Endorses
John Adams for Ohio Secretary of State

Akron, OH: Today, Tom Zawistowski, President of the TEA Party affiliated We the People Convention (WTPC), announced that his organization is endorsing former Ohio House Member and Ohio Businessman John Adams for the position of Ohio Secretary of State in next week's primary election. The Ohio Republican Primary will be held on Tuesday, May 3rd with Early Voting now available.

In making the announcement, Zawistowski said, “The We the People Convention is proud to endorse John Adams for Ohio Secretary of State. We have known John Adams personally since his time in the Ohio legislature where he was a conservative warrior who fought the Republican Establishment and monied special interest in a constant effort to pass legislation that benefited the common citizens of Ohio and the voters in his District. What a concept! The former Navy Seal served eight years in the Ohio House representing the 85th District. The Celina, OH business owner, unlike the current Secretary of State, supported Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020. He supports Mandatory Photo ID for Voting which over 80% of Ohio Republicans have wanted for over a decade but it’s implementation has been blocked by current Secretary of State, Frank LaRose, and corrupt Republican members of the Ohio Legislature who take money from Democrat Unions.” 

Zawistowski concluded, “John Adams is totally in sync with the Trump voters in Ohio who are AGAINST “automatic voter registration”, mailing absentee ballots to all registered voters, online voting, and unmanned ballot boxes. The current Secretary of State supports all of that and more leftist ideas, which is why he must be replaced by YOUR VOTE for a true conservative and Patriot - John Adams. If election integrity is a high priority for you as a voter, and is should be, then I personally ask YOU, and all of our WTPC members and supporters, and all real Republicans and Trump supporters in Ohio, to not only get out and vote for John Adams, but to put up signs and volunteer to help his campaign. You can learn more at”

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