From Jeff Mendelsohn - Pro-Israel America <[email protected]>
Subject Pro-Israel America April Newsletter
Date April 30, 2022 2:31 PM
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APRIL 2022
Dear Friend ,
We hope you had a festive and joyful Passover or Easter with family and friends. As I wrote in my latest Times of Israel column [[link removed]] , in preparation for Passover I called for brotherly calm and peace during a month of increased terror attacks and unrest in Israel. Terrorists killed at least 13 innocent people in Israel within two weeks, threw rocks, and incited violence during Ramadan and Passover at the Temple Mount, while Hamas and other terror groups actively encouraged and cheered on the perpetrators. When Israel responds, as it must for the sake of everyone, Israel is condemned. It is a macabre drama we’ve seen before.
This recent uptick in violence puts into even greater focus why we must never waver in our bipartisan commitment to Israel’s security and its imperative to defend itself from its adversarial neighbors. We in the pro-Israel community must set aside our political differences and work together to combat the dangerous efforts to delegitimize and demonize Israel through distorted allegations and false narratives. This is especially true when anti-Israel members of Congress are echoing the “blame Israel” tactics of Hamas and others.
Amidst these virulent attacks on Israel, it’s unfortunate that self-proclaimed “pro-Israel” and “pro-peace” organizations like J Street are attacking truly pro-Israel groups, undermining the very notion of bipartisan support for the U.S.-Israel relationship (I wrote about this in a JNS column [[link removed]] ). These partisan attacks do nothing to advance peace in the Middle East or help ensure Israel’s survival – in fact, they take us further away from these goals. It's even more disappointing that J Street is actively defending anti-Israel candidates like Nida Allam, Donna Edwards, and Summer Lee.
Fortunately, thanks to the support of people like you, we continue to fight back and support truly pro-Israel candidates like Shontel Brown, running for her first full-term election in Ohio’s 11th district; Steve Irwin, running in an open seat race in PA-12; Gil Villegas [[link removed]] , who is running to represent Illinois’ 3rd congressional district; and Janice Winfrey [[link removed]] , who is aiming to oust one of the most vocal critics of Israel in Michigan’s 12th Congressional District.
We are pleased to let you know about two upcoming virtual meet and greets with two of these great candidates – Gil Villegas on May 10 at 4 PM ET, and Janice Winfrey on June 1 at 5 PM ET. Please join us for either or both and hear directly from the candidates about their races for Congress.
We hope that you will continue to join us in the fight to strengthen the critical U.S.-Israel relationship by sharing this email with your friends, family, and loved ones.
READ: Times of Israel: A Call for Peace this Passover – “While there may not yet be peace, Israel remains stronger and more vibrant than ever. What was once only a dream is today a reality. Israel’s robust civil society, its entrepreneurial economy, its thriving institutions of learning, and its simple will to survive are all sources of its strength. And that strength is a force for good in the world. Even as Israelis absorb the dreadfulness of recent events, they are actively welcoming more than 15,000 Ukrainian refugees (mostly non-Jews) fleeing the horrors of war and thousands of Russian Jews worried about an uptick in antisemitism.” – READ MORE [[link removed]] from PIA’s Executive Director Jeff Mendelsohn in his latest Times of Israel column .
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READ: JNS: Partisan shots at AIPAC don’t help the U.S.-Israel relationship – “But now, some organizations that claim to be ‘pro-Israel’ are actively working to undermine bipartisan support for the U.S.-Israel relationship and instead are taking cheap political shots at other pro-Israel groups. While these political barrages are increasingly tempting in our polarized environment, it’s a dangerous path—one that any organization that truly wants to advance America’s relationship with Israel should not go down.” – READ MORE [[link removed]] from PIA’s Executive Director Jeff Mendelsohn.
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PRIMARY SEASON IS HERE: Have you checked out Pro-Israel America’s endorsed candidates in upcoming primaries? You can learn more about how you can help support these important races on our PAC website [[link removed]] .
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READ: Pro-Israel America on J Street’s Recent Emails Attacking Pro-Israel Groups
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READ: Pro-Israel America Supports Shontel Brown in Upcoming OH-11 Primary
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READ: Pro-Israel America Supports Steve Irwin in Upcoming PA-12 Primary
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READ: Pro-Israel America Condemns Members of Congress Who Defended Anti-Jewish Violence Instigated by Terror Groups
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READ: Pro-Israel America Supports Janice Winfrey in Upcoming MI-12 Primary
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READ: Pro-Israel America on How J Street Yet Again Reveals Itself as NOT Pro-Israel NOR Pro-Peace
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READ: Pro-Israel America Denounces Palestinian Terror Attacks in Tel Aviv
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READ: Forward: “Labeled anti-Israel, Nina Turner aims to win Jewish voters’ trust in Ohio rematch”: “The Jewish Democratic Council of America, and Pro-Israel America, a bipartisan group that supports pro-Israel candidates, are also expected to put money into direct texts, phone calls and digital advertising, and are bundling donations for Brown’s campaign.” [READ HERE] [[link removed]]
READ: The Detroit News: “Hollier raises over $500,000 in U.S. House race to represent most of Detroit”: “Pro-Israel America last month officially endorsed Winfrey, saying her race would be listed as a ‘key’ contest with her taking on Tlaib, whom the group called "one of the most anti-Israel voices in Congress.” [READ HERE] [[link removed]]
READ: JTA: The influential group of Republicans who remain loyal to Liz Cheney: pro-Israel donors: “’Pro-Israel America is keeping close track of all races across the country, including the primary race for Wyoming’s at-large congressional district,’ Jeff Mendelsohn, Pro-Israel America’s executive director, said in an email. ‘We are currently very focused on upcoming spring primary elections and intend to make additional endorsements moving forward.’” [READ HERE] [[link removed]]
READ: Jewish Insider: Summer Lee pushes back against charges that she’s anti-Israel: “Experts who have spoken with JI view the race as a two-way battle between Lee and Irwin, who has long been involved in organized Jewish life in Pennsylvania. The 62-year-old lawyer has consolidated support from establishment Democrats, including Doyle. He has also earned endorsements from Democratic Majority for Israel and the bipartisan advocacy group Pro-Israel America.” [READ HERE] [[link removed]]
READ: Jewish Insider: Steve Irwin is familiar with unfamiliar territory: “’Those experiences are just a few examples demonstrating Irwin‘s ‘uniquely personal’ connection with Israel,’ said Jeff Mendelsohn, the executive director of Pro-Israel America, which has listed the primary as among the most important races of the cycle. ‘It’s not the only issue, obviously, but it is very personal for him,’ Mendelsohn added, ‘and I think as a member of Congress that will be evident.’” [READ HERE] [[link removed]]
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SAVE THE DATE: Gilbert Villegas (D) (IL03) — PIA Endorsed Candidate for Congress
Join Gilbert Villegas on Tuesday, May 10th at 4:00PM ET for an exclusive members-only conversation with PIA Executive Director Jeff Mendelsohn. Currently the 35th ward alderman for northwest Chicago, Villegas is a committed supporter of the US-Israel relationship, opposing the BDS movement and advocating for unconditioned U.S. security aid to Israel. Jeff and Villegas will discuss his trip to Israel in 2016 and his competitive primary race to represent Illinois’ 3rd congressional district in the 118th Congress.
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SAVE THE DATE: Janice Winfrey (D) (MI12) — PIA Endorsed Candidate for Congress
Join Janice Winfrey on Wednesday, June 1st at 5:00PM ET for an exclusive members-only conversation with PIA Executive Director Jeff Mendelsohn. Currently serving as Detroit City Clerk, Winfrey has expressed strong support for the U.S.-Israel relationship. She opposes the BDS movement and has stated that supporting Israel’s right to self-defense would be a top priority if she is elected to Congress. Jeff and Winfrey will discuss and her upcoming highly competitive primary race in Michigan’s 12th congressional district against one of the most vocal detractors of the U.S.-Israel relationship.
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Do you have friends or family who also support the U.S.-Israel relationship? If so, we would love to make sure they know about Pro-Israel America!
Click HERE [?subject=Have%20you%20joined%20Pro-Israel%20America%20yet%3F&body=Hello!%20I%20want%20to%20make%20sure%20you've%20heard%20about%20Pro-Israel%20America!%0A%0APro-Israel%20America%20is%20dedicated%20to%20ELECTING%20pro-Israel%20candidates%20to%20counter%20the%20anti-Israel%20voices.%20Membership%20is%20totally%20free%2C%20and%20I%20want%20to%20make%20sure%20you%20don't%20miss%20out!] to invite your friends and family to join Pro-Israel America and our critical work to support the U.S.-Israel relationship.
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Paid for by Pro-Israel America and not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Please note that donations to Pro-Israel America are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.
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