The expansion of NATO has earned the top ten US defense contractors billions in profits. The conflict in Ukraine will earn them billions more. War is a business.
In Ukraine, the Obama administration staged a coup in 2014, replacing a democratically elected president who supported Russia with a puppet seeking to have Ukraine join NATO. After the 2014 coup Russian speaking Ukrainians mounted a resistance and called for a separate protected area in the Donbas region.
For the past 8 years, the new puppet government, influenced by Neo-Nazi paramilitary groups, has been shelling the separatist Donbas region and killing 14,000 people. The government and military are some of the most corrupt on the continent.
Join the Napa Institute For Peace, CodePink and the People's Party in a march from the Lucky's parking lot on Trancas St, in Napa, to the highway 29 overpass (approximately half a mile). At the overpass we will wave anti-war signs for about an hour and then we will march back.
We've canvassed more than 1000 homes this week. If you'd like to canvass with me in Napa or American Canyon, shoot me a message.
This endorsement is especially meaningful for me, even though Ken is no longer serving on the council. It is a great feeling to have the recognition and support of local leaders like Ken.
If you truly stand with Ukraine, you should stand against what the Zelensky government and the US are doing to it.
I had the honor of filming this video with Davis Media Group. I hope you enjoy it!
From Jewish Voice For Peace: "Israeli forces have detained 500+ and injured 170+ Palestinians at Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem since the beginning of Ramadan.
These Palestinians were simply praying and congregating together at the mosque, which is one of the few remaining public spaces for Palestinians in Jerusalem.
The Israeli forces’ weapons of choice have included sound grenades, tear gas, rubber-coated bullets, and batons. Their Palestinian targets have included children, journalists, paramedics, and women and men simply existing as Palestinian in public.
Remember that this isn’t a “conflict” between two equal parties — despite Western media’s claims to the contrary.
We must end Israel’s impunity for its state violence against Palestinians."
More on Israel from Richard Medhurst.
I sent a letter to British PM Boris Johnson and Home Secretary Priti Patel, regarding Julian Assange's extradition. Below you can find my letter. You can send one too by clicking the image.
"If extradited to the United States, Julian Assange will face a sentence of 175 years in prison merely for receiving and publishing truthful information that revealed US war crimes.
His persecution and prosecution is a threat to press freedoms and free speech everywhere. After all, if an Australian journalist can be extradited to the US, despite only having even been here one time, then ANYONE can.
He will not receive a fair trial, although the United States government will give a show of it. His trial will be held somewhere (like Virginia) where the jurors will mostly be related to federal employees.
The US has made some "assurances" although we all know that these assurances don't amount to a hill of beans, as the government here is under no obligation to abide by assurances of the lawyers. And even though the court was promised that he would not be placed in SMS (solitary confinement) even the US' assurances leave it up to a CIA that plotted to assassinate Mr Assange, whether he will be punished by being placed in SMS anyway. There are also similar punishments, which still basically amount to solidarity, that were not mentioned.
To extradite Assange to the United States would be akin to turning over a witness to the mafia, after he'd been beaten and tortured, so the gangsters in the government can silence him. The man has committed no crimes, and no trial in the United States will be allowed to exonerate him. Am I saying the system itself is rigged? Yes, I am!
We already know, through the testimony of Chelsea Manning that the files were leaked, not hacked. Ziggy the hacker admitted to fabricating the charge of hacking. The rest of the charges amount to journalism and threaten journalists everywhere. But not ONLY journalists, because those freedoms (in the United States) apply to everyone. And if anyone can be extradited to a country and falsely imprisoned to silence them, no matter where in the world they live or if they have no ties at all to that country, then we are about to make the world a much scarier place.
I demand the freedom of Mr. Assange immediately! He has been through enough. Let the man go home to his family. This man deserves a medal, not a jail cell. We should be prosecuting the perpetrators of the crimes that he exposed, but how many of them have been prosecuted thus far? Zero. Let him go!
Yours sincerely,
Jason Kishineff"
On the Chris Hedges Report, he talks to Peter Oborne about how we ignore some refugees or portray them as evil while enacting intense efforts to protect other refugees.
We have a homelessness crisis in the United States. We have a healthcare crisis in the United States. We have a student debt crisis in the United States. We have an inflation crisis in the United States. We have a housing crisis in the United States. Yet our government is ignoring all of these while it sends billions of dollars of aid to conduct wars in other countries.
Sen. Lindsey Graham has gone to Taiwan, in a move that is a total provocation to China. I've seen so many people respond that NATO in Ukraine is not a provocation to Russia, that I feel like I need to show WHY this is a provocation. Taiwan can easily be the next Ukraine, if we allow our government to screw around.
Taiwan is part of China. The State Department, as well as almost every other country in the world, consider Taiwan a part of China and officially respect China's One China policy. John Oliver, in October last year, covered Taiwan and said that polls consistently show that about 87% of the people of Taiwan want some version of the status quo and that only about 5.6% want independence. The US is trying to propagandize Taiwanese people into becoming a proxy, just like happened in Ukraine. The Taiwanese economy is dependent and intertwined with China. Being cut off from China would be an epic disaster for the Taiwanese people.
It ought to be against US law for government officials to go to competing countries and try to cause division like this. And for those of you who want to give Graham the benefit of the doubt, maybe you think he just went there to enjoy the beaches, here is a video of what he told Ukrainian nationalists in 2016.
Speaking of China, the US is threatening to respond if China builds a military base in the Solomon Islands. The people of the Solomon Islands are a colonized people and have made a conscious decision to invite China in, because they're tired of western imperialism. So, "Ukraine should be free to ally with whoever they want, but not the Solomon Islands." is the official US position.
In this article by Ben Norton, a scholar from Pakistan explains the history of US "indirect colonialism" in his country, from the 1977 coup against Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and subsequent US-backed military dictatorship to the overthrow of Prime Minister Imran Khan in 2022.
It's amazing how many people still believe there isn't a major Nazi problem in Ukraine right now. Zelensky has shut down all TV stations except one channel owned by a Nazi, shut down all left political parties but allowed far right parties and even showed up (on video) to speak to the Greek Parliament with a Nazi. Additionally, Nazis have accidentally found their way onto ABC, NBC, CNN, PBS and even the BBC. Yes, there is a major Nazi uprising going on right now.
Up until February 24, the media had no problem reporting on Ukrainian Nazis. Then suddenly, it became "What Nazis?"
Yesterday was Holocaust Remembrance Day. Let's stop funding a major Nazi uprising in Ukraine. This is a great read for skeptics.
There's such a huge difference between justifying something and explaining why it's happening. Why do so many people seem to be struggling with this? Here is an article by The Grayzone about Zelensky working with Nazis.
Did the United States under Joe Biden have Haitian president Jovenel Moise assassinated?
I endorse Ruscal Cayangyang for Vallejo City Council, too. He has the right views and the dedication, as well as the patience, for the job.
I did an interview with the Vacaville Reporter's Nick Sestanovich, who happens to have interviewed me for the Benicia Herald back in 2018.
I don't think that Elon Musk is my savior on other political issues, but I for one am thankful that someone is finally stepping up to counter the ever growing censorship on social media. I assume that he will be true to his word, as it is COMMON SENSE to not ban people for incorrect opinions on matters political or otherwise.
New Cold War Witch Hunt Targets Journalists Opposed to US Empire
The corporate media – including social media giants – are closing ranks to squeeze out anyone who dares speak up in opposition to the Pentagon’s narrative and against catastrophic confrontation between the United States and Russia.
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