We cannot let up now. Virginia was just the first step ahead of 2020 towards retaking key GOP-held state legislatures.


Earlier this month, we took back both houses of the Virginia state legislature.

This was no matter of luck. This was the culmination of years of strategic investments. Since 2017, we invested over $1.5M in Virginia to retake these key chambers ahead of the census next year.

Virginia shows us what’s possible with our long-term investments. When Democratic resources and energy show up, we can win back power and make progress:

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We’ve made significant progress, but we cannot let up now. Virginia was just the first step ahead of 2020 towards retaking key GOP-held state legislatures. And the upcoming elections next year have much more at stake.

This year, Democrats in Virginia competed with new maps, as the Republican gerrymander was ruled unconstitutional and thrown out before the most recent elections.

This won't be the case when it comes to other redistricting battlegrounds. Gerrymandering and voter suppression is the status quo in key states like Texas—setting us up for an uphill fight to win back power. With over 36 congressional seats being redrawn by just the Texas state legislature in 2021, control of these chambers couldn’t be more important for the future.

We need your support now to build out our programs to win back power where it matters—in the state legislative chambers that’ll decide the next decade of political power.

It bears worth repeating: State legislatures are ground zero for the GOP’s voter suppression and gerrymandering of congressional districts—leading to unrepresentative government and extreme political legislative agendas.

We cannot allow Republicans to lock in another decade of gerrymandered maps. Help us continue to lead the charge to reclaim power in states and restore our democracy:


Appreciate all your support,


David Cohen
Forward Majority


Paid for by Forward Majority Action, ForwardMajority.org. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


Forward Majority, PO Box 15293, Washington, DC 20003
