Government health experts have been lying to us from Day 1
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We hope you’ve been watching Tucker Carlson Tonight to stay up to speed on the latest in news, politics, and current events.
In case you missed it, there was a great segment the other night—check out the clip below!
We don’t have credible health authorities
From Tucker’s monologue:
“After all we’ve seen, who would you be more likely to trust—some guy selling discount timeshares in Cabo, or a self-described epidemiologist appearing on MSNBC? It’s not even close. The timeshare guy might be sleezy, but is he the one who shut your kid’s school down for two years for no reason? Is he the one who forced you to take untested drugs that you didn’t want? Is he the one who demanded that you stay home in fear, even as he applauded unmasked BLM rioters torching buildings in cities across America? The people in lab coats did that, and they were the exact people you were supposed to be able to trust, but you couldn’t, because they lied to you.”
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