

Ever wonder why there are so many extreme bills being passed across the country? It’s because Republicans control the majority of state legislatures. It’s no different here in Iowa, where Republicans control both the Iowa House and the Iowa Senate.


If Democrats had the majority, we wouldn’t have passed voter suppression legislation making it harder for Iowans to vote. 


If Democrats had the majority, we would be working to support our public schools, not try to rob them of the funding they depend on and funnel it to private schools. 


If Democrats had the majority, we would be working to raise the minimum wage for Iowa’s workers. We haven’t had a minimum wage increase since 2008, John! It’s long past time to get it done. 


People often say that change happens at the local level. It’s true. If we want to change our communities for the better, we need to get more involved at the state and local level. It’s why I decided to jump in the race for Iowa State House District 1. 


Will you chip in $5 for our critical end-of-month fundraising deadline? Every dollar will go toward helping my campaign get out the vote ahead of election day.


It’s time we Democrats make state and local races a top priority, and come together to fight for every single vote. 


Standing Tall for All
J.D. Scholten 


If you'd like to send a check to Scholten for Iowa, please mail it to: Scholten for Iowa, P.O. Box 5351, Sioux City, IA 51102.


Paid for by Scholten for Iowa.