For the past several years, Dispensers for Safe Water, an Evidence Action program incubated by IPA, has been providing more than 4 million people in rural Kenya, Uganda, and Malawi with free and reliable access to safe water, reducing child illnesses and deaths from diarrheal disease. By mid-2023, the program will expand access to an estimated 9 million people, installing over 24,000 new dispensers in Uganda and Malawi. One major catalyst for this expansion and new investments in chlorination is emerging evidence demonstrating that water treatment has an even greater, and more cost-effective, impact on child survival than had previously been estimated.
This March, the Board of Directors elected Jane Mariara, Executive Director of the Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP), as its newest member. This announcement follows the appointment of Togolese Minister of
Digital Economy and Transformation Cina Lawson and Russell Siegelman as new Directors last November. Russell previously held a position in IPA's Board of Directors and this March was appointed Chairman of the Board, replacing Trey Beck, who maintains his position as a member of the Board. We are delighted to welcome our new members and look forward to continuing to work with the Board of Directors.