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Podcast: Elon Musk, Free Speech Champion? | S2 E4

Everyone’s been tweeting about it–Elon Musk is buying Twitter! What does this mean for freedom of speech? Should Christians celebrate this turn of events? Tune in to hear your hosts discuss Elon’s plans for Twitter and one of his side projects: developing a brain chip implant. Also, learn about a groundbreaking case regarding religious freedom that just made it to the Supreme Court, AND groundbreaking news about the Dobbs v. Jackson case. All this and more on this week’s episode. Get the facts, stand for truth!

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Is This the End of Free Speech Bans on Twitter

By Luke Mueller

The board of Twitter announced on Monday that it would accept entrepreneur Elon Musk’s $44 billion dollar offer to bring the company private. While the future of Twitter is uncertain, there is renewed hope for those who want to see Twitter become a platform devoted to free speech. 

The takeover of Twitter is good news for fans for free speech. For the past eight years, Twitter and its readiness to ban dissident voices has been damaging to free speech across the world. In 2020, after the riot at the United States capital, Twitter permanently banned the account of President Donald Trump over his supposed involvement. Twitter continues to suspend the Babylon Bee and even briefly suspended our own Minnesota Family Council Twitter account. What was the violation? We simply stated that Rachel Levine (formerly Richard), Assistant Secretary of Health, is in fact, a man who identifies as a woman. Thankfully, the future looks brighter.

Elon Musk has publicly vowed to make Twitter into a platform that promotes free speech. According to him, free speech is “that which matches the law,” meaning instead of following social mores, Twitter’s policy will be based on the law of the land. If “free speech is the bedrock to a functioning democracy” as Musk says, and if political pundits are to be believed, the privatization of Twitter will be a great step toward positive free speech practices. Instead of vague rules pertaining to “hate speech,” we could see greater freedom to express ideas. Gone will be the days of banning accounts for saying that men are men, and women are women.


Senator Klobuchar’s big miss on ‘misinformation’

Via The Center for the American Experiment

At a recent conference hosted by the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics, Senator Amy Klobuchar failed to answer a reporter’s direct question about the nature of her proposed bill, the “Health Misinformation Act,” leaving open the possibility of government and bureaucratic control over what constitutes internet misinformation and who has the power to make that decision. 

Sitting on a panel at the “Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy” conference on April 8, Klobuchar was asked a direct question about her proposed bill by Chicago Thinker co-founder and Managing Editor Evita Duffy: “If I were to say there are only two sexes — male and female — would that be considered misinformation that you think should be banned speech on social media platforms?” Klobuchar proceeded to give a light chuckle and insisted it pertained to vaccine misinformation during a “public health crisis.” She refused to define misinformation and the parameters under which the proposed bill’s carveout would go into effect.

Klobuchar’s bill seeks to amend Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which gives internet platforms protection from civil liability for published content. The amendment creates a carveout that would strike immunity from those platforms that use algorithms promoting content and permit the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), “in consultation with the heads of other relevant Federal agencies and outside experts determined appropriate by the Secretary, shall issue guidance regarding what constitutes health misinformation…”

Klobuchar’s evasive “answer” is not surprising considering the actual language of the bill has zero mention of vaccines and fails to define “misinformation.” But this lack of specific language and purpose in the bill — despite what Klobuchar may say at a conference — is very troubling. It leaves the door open for politicians and unelected bureaucrats in public health to determine what can and cannot be promoted on sites such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, harnessing the power of the federal government to punish platforms disseminating speech it deems “misinformation.”


Sign Your Teen Up for Our Leadership Camp (July 24-29)

At LEAD, we are equipping the next generation to engage by helping them develop a hands-on understanding of the legislative process, leadership skills, and a solid biblical worldview.

What: A hands-on leadership and worldview camp which equips the next generation of Christian leaders to engage the culture.

Who: Highschool students ages 13–19

When: July 24-29, 2022

Why: LEAD provides students with an opportunity to strengthen  their worldview, develop leadership skills, and learn the legislative  process!

This year renowned pro-life speaker Ryan Bomberger will be joining us at LEAD as our keynote speaker! Learn more about LEAD and register at www.leadminnesota.org!


Promoted: Christian Faithfulness in an Age of Anxiety (May 6-7)

From the Davenant Institute:

Christians in America today are living through a time of what can feel like unprecedented crisis, conflict, and disruption. The Covid-19 pandemic, and the reactions to it—and the reactions to the reactions to it. The George Floyd protests, and subsequent waves of anti-racist and anti-anti-racist agitation that have roiled American churches, colleges, and courtrooms. The most fiercely contested presidential election since 1876. Exhausted by these and other crises, together with the steady marginalization of Christian faith in American public life, many pastors—and their parishioners—are ready to throw in the towel.

As wrenching as these experiences are, it’s important to remind ourselves, in this ADD age, that crisis is probably the default state of most human societies, the regular backdrop against which the church is called to carry out its world-saving work. Consider: we are apt to look back nostalgically on the glories of the Elizabethan era. Yet the typical Englishman of the late 1580s probably felt trapped in whirlwind of perpetual crisis: an existential threat of foreign invasion, assassination plots real and imagined, a harsh government crackdown on religious dissidents, together with regular bouts of plague. From this unpromising soil, however, sprouted some of the greatest riches of Christian theology and literature in all history. 

By stepping back from the chaos of our own moment to see how the church has handled political and social crises in the past, we can gain fresh perspective and renewed hope to persevere through the trials of our own day. We can also be challenged to rethink our own assumptions about the greatest dangers and temptations of our present moment.

Join us at this mini-conference, sponsored by The Davenant Institute and Bethlehem College and Seminary, to learn more about how the trials and triumphs of our Protestant forebears can teach us how to walk faithfully today in an age of anxiety. 

May 6-7, 2022

St. Paul, MN

Join us in St. Paul, Minnesota for a two-day mini-conference. Our plenary speakers will be Dr. Joe Rigney, President of Bethlehem College and Seminary, and Dr. Brad Littlejohn, President of The Davenant Institute.

Conference proceedings will run from 6:30 PM on Friday, May 6 till 5:00 PM on Saturday, May 7.


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Get the Parent Resource Guide

Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and invite a friend to do the same! Click to order your copy today:


Thank you for sharing Minnesota Family Council’s vision for strong families, communities and culture through Christ. As we rise to meet challenges at the state and federal level, we need your support now more than ever. Click here to give now. We are grateful for your partnership with us through prayer and financial support.

For life, family, and religious freedom,

John Helmberger, CEO

Minnesota Family Council and Institute

Minnesota Family Council
2855 Anthony Lane S, Suite 150 | Minneapolis, Minnesota  55418-3265
612-789-8811 | [email protected]

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