Dear John,
We have exciting news to share in Happy’s case! Today, world-renowned philosopher Peter Singer announced that he, philosopher Gary Comstock, and philosopher Adam Lerner have filed a brief with New York’s highest court, urging the judges to recognize the right to liberty of our client Happy. Singer is the author of the highly influential book Animal Liberation, which inspired NhRP President Steven M. Wise to become a lawyer for nonhuman animals decades ago.
Singer also encouraged his audiences to join the NhRP tomorrow, April 30th, outside the Bronx Zoo for our rally to #FreeHappy. We hope to see you there! For event details and how you can help even if you can’t attend, visit our blog.
The rally will kick off the countdown to Happy’s historic May 18th hearing before the New York Court of Appeals–the highest court of an English-speaking jurisdiction to consider whether a nonhuman animal can have a legal right.
Thank you as always!
Courtney Fern
Director of Government Relations, the NhRP