April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a time to reflect on the strength and resilience of survivors and victims, and to raise awareness of the steps we can all take to help support survivors.
House Democrats have a comprehensive legislative package that would expand opportunities for survivors of sexual violence and abuse to seek the justice they deserve.
Our comprehensive plan fundamentally reforms our criminal justice system to hold predators and abusers accountable so every Ohioan can feel safe and secure, and thrive right here at home.
  • Eliminate the statute of limitations for sexual assault; There should be no expiration date for survivors of sexual assault to receive justice. HB 266 would completely eliminate the statute of limitations for criminal and civil sex crimes.
  • Extend the statute of limitations for childhood sexual abuse; Every survivor of childhood sexual abuse should have the right to come forward when ready to do so. HB 266 also extends the window for victims of childhood sexual abuse to sue their abusers from 12 to 37 years after they reach adulthood, and creates a three year window for survivors over 55 to take action.
  • Remove the cap on damages for sex crimes; Survivors of rape or assault should be able receive the full compensation they deserve from their abusers. HB 199 would remove the cap on damages awarded to victims of rape or assault.
  • Close the marital rape loophole; A person’s legal relationship to their abuser should not be used to justify sexual assault. HB 121 would eliminate Ohio’s spousal exemptions for sex offenses and permit spousal testimony. HB 266 also eliminates spousal exemptions from rape.