Dear John,
Ten years ago, I founded VoteRiders as a nonpartisan nonprofit to fill a crucial gap: despite the proliferation of restrictive state voter ID laws, no existing voting rights organization had programs in place to provide the educational, logistical, financial, and legal assistance required for millions of voters who don't have a current government-issued photo ID. With YOUR steadfast support, we’ve been able to make an enormous impact. We’ve raised awareness of the voter ID issue nationwide, educating tens of millions of voters across the country. And we’ve helped voters from all of the 36 states with voter ID laws to ensure they can exercise their freedom to vote - and cast a ballot that counts.
Today, VoteRiders continues to lead the field on this increasingly critical matter. And today more than ever, the continual strengthening of our democracy depends on our continued success.
I would truly appreciate your response to this last note regarding our $10,000 matching challenge. Can you help us complete the challenge today before it expires at midnight tomorrow!