They spend one quarter of public money, run services that affect day-to-day life, make decisions about the development of local areas and manage plans to tackle climate change.



Local councils are a vital part of our democracy.


They spend one quarter of all public money, run services that affect day-to-day life, make decisions about the future of local areas and manage plans to tackle climate change.


Yet many councils are not democratic. They are dominated by one party and operate without effective scrutiny or opposition.

'These councils are complacent. They don’t need to listen to anyone because they know they can get anything through that they need to'


- Caroline Russell, London Assembly member and the only non-Labour councillor elected to Islington Council since 2014

The Green Party is contesting seats in over 100 local areas on 5 May, including all London boroughs and local authorities in Wales.


We want to defend existing seats, break through into new areas and grow the number of committed, hard-working Green councillors fighting for more democratic townhalls across England and Wales.


Green councillors stand up for local communities and listen to their needs. We work collaboratively to make the future greener, fairer and safer for everyone.


With just one week to go to polling day, help Get Greens elected by donating to our campaign.

Thank you for your continued support.


-- The Green Party