People For Supporter, Have you noticed just how desperate the Far Right has gotten in their desire to cling to power at all costs? After their attempted coup of January 6 failed, they’ve now shifted to more under-the-radar strategies to accomplish their goal of solidifying control over every aspect of government and society. They’ve passed voter suppression bills in multiple states, and are trying to redefine what it means to be an American and have a place – and a voice – in our country. They’re banning books and scapegoating vulnerable communities to stoke fear, and – with no constructive policy ideas to run on – have moved from racist dog whistles to overt bullhorns. And they continue promoting the Big Lie about the 2020 election, in an attempt to promote distrust in democracy itself. Unfortunately there’s a very real chance that the Far Right seizes control of one or both chambers of Congress in this fall's elections. This would mean an end to any congressional efforts to seek accountability for the seditious conspiracy that led to the insurrection of last January 6 ... and the pursuit of a policy agenda that includes ending Social Security and Medicare, and doing away with the separation of church and state.[1] We’re currently planning a multi-pronged, nationwide campaign to maximize the impact of the upcoming January 6 hearings on this fall’s elections – including events, videos, activist briefings, and volunteer mobilization. We know that various far-right leaders – including the disgraced former President, officials from his administration, and various members of Congress – will come into the spotlight at various times during these hearings, and we need to be ready to amplify and lift up the stories of their disgraceful conduct for maximum electoral effect. As an organization, People For is uniquely positioned to carry out this work – with more than 40 years of experience fighting to stop hate and defend democracy, and a dedicated team of researchers on our Right Wing Watch project working to expose and disrupt these far-right extremists. But as our end-of-month deadline approaches tomorrow ... right now we’re just short of the financial resources we need to execute our plan. So please chip in a generous renewal donation today to help us get the truth out! >> We refuse to let the Far Right turn the clock back decades on Americans’ fundamental rights – and we hope you feel the same way. We thank you in advance for any support you can provide, and we look forward to fighting shoulder to shoulder with you to defend freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for all – the American Way. Sincerely, Ben Jealous, President
Source: 1. "Rick Scott's 11-Point Plan Is a Haunted-House Version of Newt Gingrich's 'Contract With America'," Esquire, 02/23/2022