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Join the rally to stop Brexit!

Calling all Remainers!

John - next Saturday (30th November) we're holding a huge rally to STOP BREXIT.

The Liberal Democrats are the biggest, strongest remain party and we want this rally to be a huge, pro-European celebration of that fact!

So break your EU flags out of storage and rustle up all of your Remainer pride and join us next Saturday:



Saturday 30th November 2019



3:30 PM to 6:30 PM



The Brewery, 52 Chiswell St, London EC1Y 4SD



libdems.org.uk/stop-brexit-rally ➜

As there's limited space at the venue, RSVPing is absolutely essential and entry will only be with a confirmed RSVP & ticket.

Don't miss out, RSVP now:

I look forward to seeing you at the rally John.

  Greg Foster  

Best wishes,

Greg Foster
Head of Membership & Engagement
Liberal Democrats

PS: The next few weeks will see us send quite a few emails about our country's future. You can choose the kind of emails you get from us over the next five weeks here: libdems.org.uk/ge-optout

Help us build a brighter future.

The two old parties have failed Britain.
The Liberal Democrats are fighting to stop Brexit and build a brighter future for Britain.

Play your part. Find out how you can help us win: