We're checking our records to make sure they're all up to date, and here's what we have on file for you:
Hickenlooper for Colorado |


We’re doing a checkup on our records this week to make sure they’re all up to date. And here’s what we have on file for you at this exact email address:

Record belonging to: [email protected]
Team Hick: Yes (Thank you!)
Hick for Senate Donor: Not yet.
Suggested Action Today: Chip in $3 or whatever you can to get on the record.


In just a few short months, this team has helped us build our grassroots campaign in what some believe is the most important Senate race in the country. That’s incredible.

There’s a long road ahead of us, and the other side is already showing they’re going to throw every last penny into trying to beat John. But because of this team, we’re ready for whatever they’ve got.

This week is about gratitude, and John knows he couldn’t do any of this without people like you. Thank you for everything.

Team Hick





If you’ve recently made a donation or have donated with another email address, thank you! Sometimes it takes our records a moment to update, but rest assured, we have received your contribution. Thank you for helping us hit our end-of-month goal.




Paid for by Hickenlooper for Colorado

P.O. Box 18886, Denver, CO 80218

Contributions or gifts to Hickenlooper for Colorado are not tax deductible.

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We love staying connected to you—and these emails are the best way to stay up to date with the latest on this campaign. But if at any point you’d like to stop receiving these messages, you can unsubscribe here.

If we’re not reaching you at the correct email address, please update your information here.