Dear Friend,
Here is the Government's "revised" Three Waters plan

The Taxpayers' Union has spent the day closely examining the
Government's "revised" Three Waters plan unveiled this morning.
In short, the Government is forging ahead – and the minor
tweaks to the scheme actually make Three Waters even
worse overall.
Here's what New Zealanders need to know:
⚠️ There are no significant
changes to the co-governance arrangements. That means there
are still four layers of bureaucracy between you and the new water
entities, and the representative groups remain 50-50 co-governed
between iwi and councils.
⚠️ The Government will now issue local
councils "shares" in the new water entities. But it's Nanaia Mahuta
being deceitful: regardless of their shareholdings, councils
(and therefore you & other ratepayers) will still be stripped of
all the crucial rights of control that are usually associated with
ownership. Councils won’t be allowed to receive a return from
the water entities, yet that is specifically allowed for Mana Whenua
groups. Ratepayers will no longer “own” the assets in any meaningful
⚠️ There will now be
additional bureaucracies set up as part of the reforms,
including new "sub-regional" representative groups and a Water
Services Ombudsman with a "tikanga-based dispute resolution process".
Yet another layer of expensive bureaucratic fat.
⚠️ There will be yet another
costly communications campaign to try to convince New Zealanders of
the "need for change". In other words, taxpayer-funded
propaganda is back.
⚠️ Iwi will have their own
consultation process for the legislation, separate from the
transparent select committee process available to the general
public. This is simply unbelievable. For the first time, New
Zealand's Parliamentary process is going to have 'priority access'
based on race.
Of course, we were never expecting substantial improvements to this
fatally flawed policy. Mahuta knows exactly what she is
doing, and the "independent" Mayoral Working Group was always set up
to be a sham. While the Government has picked up most of the policy
recommendations the group was stacked with the very few pro-Three
Waters mayors, and was even itself 50-50 co-governed with iwi
representatives Ms Mahuta hand-picked!
Together we need to Stop Three Waters 💦
Yesterday we saw
the Government dramatically backflip on its
undemocratic Rotorua Council Bill that would have given Māori voters
twice the power of voters on the General Roll. That
how a well-organised campaign and old fashioned "people power" can and
will halt Ardern and Mahuta's radical agenda.
we can't Stop Three Waters if we can't go toe to toe with Ms Mahuta's
taxpayer-funded propaganda. That's why we are urgently asking for your
support today.
With your support, we can ensure Three Waters is a costly mistake
for Jacinda Ardern.
We have to act now before it is too late
The Three Waters
legislation could be presented to Parliament for its first reading as
early as Tuesday – that's only 96 hours away!
means the fight starts right now.
We will be mobilising our army of supporters to bombard the select
committee with submissions and to demand that oral submissions are
heard in person, up and down the country.
We need to spread the word about the truth of what these so-called
reforms mean. This campaign is about defending democracy and ensuring
ratepayers are able to hold to account those in power.
you chip in to support our campaign?
The first step of our Campaign Plan is to ensure we get the
word out and spread the truth by launching a new hard hitting
advertising campaign across the web, newspapers, billboards, and TV.
we can't lock in advertising until we know the Official Three Waters
Fighting Fund can match Ms Mahuta's sizable war

Nanaia Mahuta is hell-bent on pushing Three Waters through, we can see
that every day the political damage is building. We already know that Labour's
provincial MPs are feeling the heat and getting nervous. We
need to ensure that the pressure from voters outweighs the pressure
from Labour's powerful Māori caucus.
Click here to contribute to the Official Three Waters Fighting Fund
Something has to give – even if it's on election day
in 2023. Every
dollar gets us closer.
Thank you for your support,
Houlbrooke Campaigns Manager New Zealand Taxpayers'
ps – I'm proud that so far this effort has been fueled by
thousands of New Zealanders like you standing up to Nanaia Mahuta and
making this campaign possible. You've seen that when we asked for your
support last year, the Taxpayers' Union delivered on every cent our
supporters invested. Over the summer we ensured Kiwis saws
the hundreds of "Stop Three Waters" banners, the billboards,
the ads on TV, radio, Facebook and Google, and (most importantly!) the
dramatic increase in opposition for Three Waters (as measured by our
monthly independent polling). , rather than being one of those
groups who complain about the Government, we take on the
Government. We are asking all of our supporters today to let us
finish the job and STOP Three Waters. Click
here to make a confidential donation.