
There are critical updates in Mike Franken’s race in Iowa against Chuck Grassley that will decide control of the Senate.

FIRST: Admiral Mike Franken raised $1.8 million from over 48,000 grassroots donors like you – without a dime of corporate PAC money.

THEN: A brand-new poll showed Chuck Grassley’s approval rating at the lowest it’s ever been. Mike is only THREE points behind Grassley.

BUT NOW: Sean Hannity just endorsed Chuck Grassley live on Fox News and made a plea for Republican donors to help him try to turn the Senate red!

Everything is on the line. If we’re going to pass Medicare for All, enact bold climate change policy, and take on the NRA, we MUST help Mike Franken defeat Chuck Grassley and turn Iowa blue.

McConnell’s Super PACs have already raised millions to attack Mike. But with 48 hours to go before our end-of-month deadline, we’re still falling dangerously short of our $500,000 goal. The only way we’ll defeat Grassley and protect our Democratic Senate majority is if grassroots donors like you give now.

Time is running out, and we cannot afford to fall short: Please, will you give $5 or more right now – every dollar you can spare – to help Admiral Mike Franken defeat Chuck Grassley, turn Iowa blue, and protect our Democratic Senate majority?

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