Terrible news. Sabato’s Crystal ball just DOWNGRADED Sanford Bishop’s likelihood of winning re-election in 2022.

Dear John,

Terrible news. Sabato’s Crystal ball just DOWNGRADED Sanford Bishop’s likelihood of winning re-election in 2022, now labeling the race simply as “Lean Democrat.”

Please, can you chip in $20 to help us reach our $10,000 end-of-month goal and get back on track to keeping the U.S. House blue? 

We’ve been saying over and over that this is an extremely competitive seat that could end up deciding the fate of the U.S. House. Finally, national organizations are starting to get it. Sabato’s Crystal Ball downgraded us. FiveThirtyEight said we’re the most competitive House seat in Georgia. The DCCC put us on their frontline list. 

This race is going to be the most challenging we’ve ever faced. The difference will be made by who can rally more grassroots support. 

The difference between keeping the U.S. House blue, or losing it, is you. 

Our finance team just let us know that we need to raise $10,000 by the end of the month to get back on track to keep the U.S. House blue. Otherwise, Republicans will take back control, roll back our progress, and work to rig elections further in their favor. 

Please, will you chip in $20 to help us reach our $10,000 end-of-month goal and keep the U.S. House blue in Democratic control? 

Thank you,

Team Bishop

Sanford Bishop for Congress
P.O. Box 909
Columbus, GA 31902
[email protected]
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Paid for by Sanford Bishop for Congress