As you know, John, DFA is one of the largest organizations helping elect progressives up and down the ballot all across the country. We’re not afraid of a primary fight. And we’re certainly not afraid to go toe to toe with the GOP.
This work takes a whole lot of resources.
That’s why every month, DFA sets internal goals to help determine our budget and priorities. Your $5, $10, or whatever you can afford will help us fund on-the-ground staff, field programs, advertisements, and much more that is critical to the success of our organization.
Right now, we’re not on track to meet our November target. And if we don’t meet this goal, we’ll have to take a look at our budget next week and make cuts.
The good news is we have a few days left to close the gap on our crucial end-of-month goal. Will you rush $5 now to help us meet our goal before Saturday’s deadline?
Every dollar you give goes directly toward our efforts to turn out the new American Majority of Black, brown, and white progressive voters to elect progressives in tough races nationwide.
Thank you for doing your part to win.
Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America