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"Reducing the influx of foreign workers is the best way to improve the lives of workers of all races, but especially Black Americans."

Former West Virginia State Police Officer Reginald Parks wrote a timely op-ed on how workers' wages - especially black workers' - continue to be depressed due to costly immigration policies while highlighting Roy Beck's book "Back of the Hiring Line":

"Black men earn 87 cents on the dollar compared to White men, and Black households have, on average, just 10% of the net worth of White households. According to one study, immigrant waves between 1980 and 2000 may account for up to 60% of the decline in Black wage rates relative to Whites.

To be sure, high levels of immigration hurt workers in all demographic groups. According to Harvard economist and immigration expert George J. Borjas, increasing the number of workers in any given group by 10%, for example through immigration, is likely to result in a 3% reduction in wages. But it's the less-skilled workforce, which is disproportionately made up of minority workers, that immigration hits hardest."

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