
Dear John,

Nonprofits are critical to our democracy and so is fearless independent journalism!

Especially right now. We need your support today.

As you know, NPQ has an enormously powerful niche in that it provides boldly independent news and advice to activist leaders…in real time, and at a juncture when organizational clarity and focus, and the development and maintenance of a healthy civil society is critical.

As NPQ gets ready to wrap up our coverage of a turbulent 2019, we are looking ahead to an election year that promises even more intensity in our organizations and public spaces as major issues of democratic inclusion and exclusion are played out. Nonprofits, philanthropies and movements will be positioning and repositioning themselves in their work as policies practices, resources and political contexts continue to evolve…rapidly

Through all of that, NPQ will be here to help guide you and to help readers to guide one another towards shared goals for a just and sustainable future.

But it’s a reciprocal thing; we NEED your support as well

That’s why we’re eager to share an opportunity to double your donation this year. We have been selected to participate in NewsMatch, a national matching-gift campaign that drives donations to nonprofit newsrooms (like us!) around the country. However, to gain our match we need to raise at least $20,000 from our readers. Please help us ease some of the discomfort that comes with organizational shifts by donating to securing NPQ's future Independence.   

Here’s how it works.  

Now — through December 31 — NewsMatch will match your new monthly donation 12x or double your one-time gift, all up to $1,000.

We can earn up to $20,000 in matching dollars, which means Nonprofit Quarterly can raise $40,000 in total. For a nonprofit like us, this is a big deal and will help us deliver the kind of innovative journalism you’ve come to expect, every day.

Nonprofit are critical to out democracy and so is fearless independent journalism! This news can’t wait. So why would you?

Donate today and NewsMatch will double the impact of your donation. 


