Just four months into the year, Mayor Lori Lightfoot is making huge strides for Chicago with the launch of major progressive initiatives to create a more equitable economy for all Chicagoans. Programs such as...

  • The Chicago Resilient Communities Pilotwhich will help lift people out of poverty by providing 5,000 Chicagoans with $500 per month for twelve months – no strings attached.
  • And the Transportation Initiative aimed at addressing skyrocketing gas prices for 150,000 Chicagoans through prepaid gas and transit cards.

And Mayor Lightfoot is standing up for working families in other ways. Just this month, she championed the rights of unionized broadcast technicians at WTTW-Channel 11 by providing support to their union, honoring their picket line, and encouraging management to reach an agreement.

At Team Lightfoot, we know that there is immense power in coming together as a community to create a more just and equitable Chicago. Together, we are building a broad and diverse grassroots coalition to do just that. With just three days left until our end-of-month fundraising deadline, can we count on you to join our coalition by chipping in any amount right now?

Thank you,

 Team Lightfoot 





Lightfoot for Chicago
100 W. Kinzie
Suite 325
Chicago IL 60654 United States



