
The courage we saw from President Zelensky after Russia invaded was not the kind of instantaneous courage used to charge an enemy or the self-promoting false courage of Trumpian showmanship.

Zelensky’s courage was that of thought-through deliberation, choosing to sacrifice oneself to protect others, to do one’s duty in office. That is the definition of bravery.

Imagine what Putin must be thinking when besieged Ukrainians and even some Russian citizens stand up to him more fiercely than senior Republicans like Chuck Grassley ever stood up to Donald Trump.

The Javelin missiles that Ukrainians bravely used to repel Russian tanks were the same ones that Trump was impeached for holding hostage – and that Republicans refused to hold him accountable for.

When I defeat Chuck Grassley this November, the Democrats will have the most senior military person ever-elected to the United States Senate. That’s fitting in the shadow of January 6th, because it’s time we had more leaders in Washington who choose sacrifice and service – versus corporate donations and personal gain.

The polls show a close race, and McConnell’s Super PACs are already queuing up millions to spend against me. I’m a hard target, but that won’t stop Fox News from fabricating some made-up tale.

We need to raise another $500,000 before our end-of-month fundraising deadline to keep our new TV ads up and fight back, but right now, we’re still $61,304 short. The only way we’ll defeat Chuck Grassley and turn Iowa blue is if grassroots donors like you chip in now:

Please, may I count on you to urgently give $5 or more right now – whatever you can spare before our critical end-of-month deadline – to help me defeat Chuck Grassley, turn Iowa blue, and protect our Democratic majority in the Senate?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The past few years have shown that democracy is a fragile thing; but it is always worth fighting for. Sign me up.

“All engines ahead full.”

Mike Franken, VADM, U.S. Navy (ret.)