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Submit Your Storm Heaven Intentions Today!

Dear Friend, 

Our meditation for the month of May, which is dedicated to Mary, is so simple, yet so profound. Let us take the Mother of God, as St. John the Apostle did –cling to her and keep her at our sides daily, as we have never done before. As something so natural, wholeheartedly accept Mary into your life. With very simple acts of love to Our Lady, place some flowers or a plant near her statue or your home altar – or bring flowers to the church in her honor. If you work outside the home, carry a holy card of Mary and gaze at it a couple of times during the day, just letting her know that you love her. 

In preparing our intentions to be submitted this month, let us look, not only into our needs and those of our loved ones, but keep in mind the sufferings of our fellow Rosary Warriors, and those of the whole world. So many people are suffering due to Russia’s attacks on the people of Ukraine. Thousands have been brutally killed. Remember, if we ask our intentions through the Blessed Virgin Mary, God will not refuse her. 

As part of Operation Storm Heaven, your intentions are added each month to the Holy Mass offered by His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke and to the Holy Rosary that will be prayed by him and all the Rosary Warriors throughout the world that have pledged to pray, on the 1st of May.

As a Rosary Warrior, I would like to invite you to present your new or updated intentions and prayer requests for Operation Storm Heaven before the 1st of May.

Let us contemplate what prayer intentions you may want to submit.  Here is a suggested checklist:

(1) Why not include the names of individuals and families on your prayer list - for those experiencing difficulties in their lives, for those suffering, especially in Ukraine, as well as those who have received special graces and blessings – to thank God.

(2) Your own mother, grandmothers, aunts, Godmothers, and those who have been like a mother to us, as well as mothers who have had children leave the church, mothers who suffer from any type of addiction – their names should definitely be included.

(3) So many priests have ordination anniversaries in the Month of May. Let us remember them. Also, priests who are special to you, priests who are suffering, either physically or emotionally. Those priests whom no one loves; priests who are being persecuted.

(4) For peace in the world – that the Russian attacks on the people of Ukraine will cease. For all priests and religious who have been kidnapped, attacked and murdered. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being part of Cardinal Burke's Rosary Crusade Operation Storm Heaven. I would also like to encourage you to recite the Holy Rosary every day as Our Lady requested, if you do not do so already.

Finally, if you know others who have intentions and would like to submit them, and to help others join Operation Storm Heaven, please forward this email to your family and friends and ask them to click here. 

Blessings to all during the upcoming Month of Mary!

Your friend in Christ,

Thomas J. McKenna

P.S. May 13 is the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima. Keep watch for upcoming events! 

Catholic Action For Faith And Family

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