Hi John,
The final countdown to the Election has begun. Only 1 week to go until the people of Northern Ireland vote to elect their new MLAs to the Assembly.

Our dedicated volunteers are still pounding the pavements to deliver thousands of our VOTE PRO-LIFE leaflets. We also held a protest outside the constituency office of the SDLP's Pat Catney to expose their support for abortion.
As you know, in the previous Assembly it was the collusion and connivance of pro-abortion MLAs from SInn Fein, SDLP, Ulster Unionist Party, Alliance Party, Green Party, and PeopleBeforeProfit that directly resulted in the the killing of over 2394 little babies in Northern Ireland. Many of these MLAs seeking re-election now have the audacity to use the slogan - "People First" - yet they denied the very personhood of those 2394 precious babies.
That's why Precious Life's Election Campaign is so vital and important. Those pro-abortions MLAs must be "voted out" and replaced with MLAs who will work to RESTORE PERSONHOOD to every unborn child in Northern Ireland.
In past elections, some people have unknowingly helped elect pro-abortion MLAs because of the "Single Transferable Vote' System, and filled in all the boxes on the ballot paper with a number.. This meant some votes were transferred to pro-abortion candidates.
But through our Election Information Evenings, and the thousands of leaflets we've distributed, we have successfully helped people understand how to strategically VOTE PRO-LIFE by explaining the method in simple basics - put a number in the boxes next to only pro-life candidates (in order of your preference) - and leave the boxes of every pro-abortion candidate BLANK!

Most of the boxes of our leaflets have now been sent out across around the province but there are still a few boxes left that we urgently need distributed in this last week before the election. Please phone today for your batch of leaflets and distribute them to your family, friends, church and prayer groups, and around your local community.
Our Mobile Billboard Lorries hit the roads across Norther Ireland this week. If you spot our prominent and eye-catching VOTE PRO-LIFE message travelling around Northeim Ireland, take a pic and send it to us to use on our social media pages.

And remember, if you can help us in any other way, please call us on 02890278484 or email info@preciouslife.com. If you are unable to physically help us, please support us with your prayers. You can also help us by clicking on the DONATE button to help us fund this vital campaign to protect Northern Ireland unborn babies, by ensuring only pro-life MLAs are retuned to our Assembly. Thank you again for all your continued support.
The Precious Life Communications Team