A peek at our work đź‘€

Hi friend,


Whether you've been following along from the beginning or are just getting acquainted with us, we thought it would be a good time to highlight how we carry out our mission in support of some of today's most urgent efforts to address the climate crisis.


Breach thrives on being a lean and flexible organization with the capacity to support movements at different stages of campaign and organizational development. We partner with communities on the front lines of the climate crisis to advance justice through locally-driven campaigns rooted in the power of grassroots organizing, legal advocacy, and human stories. 


Our work currently focuses on the following environmental justice fights:


fossil fuel resistance

We organize opposition to proposed fossil fuel projects. Together with our partners on the front lines, we formulate new strategies and tactics to build support for innovative laws, regulations, and policies that bolster a rapid and just transition away from fossil fuels. 


anti-gas & building electrification

Gas use in homes is associated with dangerous impacts to health, climate, and equity. Natural gas utilities and interest groups have been aggressively pushing gas onto consumers and promoting false solutions and unproven technologies to perpetuate their profit. We partner with communities to counter these misinformation campaigns and to push for electrification policies.


labor movement building

We believe that a just transition has to prioritize workers’ needs, and that anyone who wants a union should have one. We are proud to live up to our values as a unionized, worker self-directed workplace, affiliated with Communications Workers of America Local 7901. We have developed tools, resources, and guides for organizing nonprofit workplaces.


Are you a worker at a nonprofit or other workplace looking for more information about workplace democracy? Please reach out to us for a discreet and confidential conversation.


green new deal course & movement education 

We provide ongoing communications, media, and professional education courses and trainings for activists, organizers, storytellers, attorneys, and other interested members of the communities we partner with. Our latest course, “Organizing the Green New Deal,” conducted in 2021, attracted hundreds of  participants and showcased cutting edge thought in the climate justice movement.


If you believe in what we do and want to support our work with frontline communities, make a donation today!


P.S. Breach Collective is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so every dollar you give is tax deductible in the United States! Breach Collective’s EIN is 85-0743122.​



PO Box 5291, Eugene, Oregon 97405

Breach Collective is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

©2020 Breach Collective. All rights reserved.