The national average benchmark premium fell again in 2022, following decreases in the previous three years. This decline strikingly contrasts the 4 percent premium increase in the employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) market during the same period.
A closer look at select demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of working-age immigrants with disabilities sheds light on the structural challenges affecting this population.
Extending enhanced subsidies in Massachusetts in 2023 would reduce the number of uninsured people in the state by 8,000, reduce household premium spending through the Health Connector, and save the state roughly $133 million on ConnectorCare subsidies.
The Urban Institute’s new report examines the maternity care landscape in Oklahoma and presents ways to promote the midwifery model of care and develop a pathway to education and practice for Black midwives.
A study of North Carolina Medicaid’s transition for nearly 1.6 million Medicaid beneficiaries shows both the positive and negative aspects of the state’s multipronged communications strategy, with varied expectations of risk-based managed care among study participants.