Dear John,

It seems really amazing to me how so little accomplishes so much when it is well channelled and above all, blessed by the Lord. 

The updates supplied by our African teams energise us to keep true to our calling because they remind us of the thousands of lives impacted as we reach out in Word and Deed.

Thank you for your partnership; together we form a grassroots team funded only by caring supporters like you in very few countries.

When Billy Graham was asked what the three most important things were, for the success of his evangelism outreaches, he famously said “Prayer, Prayer and Prayer” We believe this recipe is applicable to AE. We cannot do any of our work without financial contributions from supporters but equally; we cannot find the strength, wisdom and perseverance we need for our work without ongoing prayer. So thank you for your financial gifts and for your prayers!

Your brother in Christ,


Transformed, strengthened and with new hope

The previous month was a full and busy month for our teams in Africa. The Foxfires are setting the youth ablaze for Christ, teams are handing out food parcels in impoverished communities and we are preparing for our upcoming missions. Read more

AESA team - Breaking through barriers

An update from Theuns on his family, his team, the 60th anniversary and the Ngezandla Zethu sewing project. We also share some prayer points for AESA. Read more


Young entrepreneurs in Uganda

A new team leader to steer the ship. Not one but two missions under way. The Nile Vocational Institute finally able to reopen there doors and the Milne Medical Centre hard at work seeing over 400 patients a month. Read more


Jubilee Celebrations Reminiscences

Long time supporter of AE and coordinator of the Melbourne prayer group, Diana Dow, shares some fond memories from her trip to Africa for the 50th celebrations back in 2012. Read more


Follow the links below to donwload our quarterley newsletter and prayer diary:

African Harvest April 2022   Prayer Diary May - July 2022

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PO Box 1584, Macquarie Centre, NSW 2113