Today we celebrated an incredible milestone for our city and our
airport by opening a new ticketing lobby and checked baggage
inspection system. We already have one of the best airports anywhere
in the country, and these improvements — along with the rest of our
Phase II projects — are continuing to make Long Beach an amazing place
to fly.

In addition to improving the experience and safety of residents and
visitors, I'm also glad to see our airport continuing to make
sustainability a priority by building this facility to be on track for
LEED Silver certification. We’ve set ambitious targets to reduce
airport emissions 20% by 2025 and 40% by 2035 — and making investments
like this in green new facilities is a huge part of that work.

This Saturday, the Airport is hosting a free, public open house
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with tours of the new ticketing lobby,
family-friendly activities, music and light refreshments. I encourage
members of our community to join us in celebrating this amazing step
forward for our airport and for our city.
RSVPs for the event are appreciated but not required. You can do so
Thank you and Go Long
Mayor Robert Garcia