did you miss Anthony’s email?
Taxpayer, just checking in: did you see Anthony’s email?
We’re really struggling to cover the costs of our efforts to end the FDA’s dog testing mandate. It’s bad… we’re not even 20% there yet.
And now, our pro-dog testing enemies are fighting tooth and nail to slander us and stop us from Cutting FDA Red Tape to save 20,000+ beagles.
I want to greenlight the additional spending needed to win this fight, but we are not an organization that spends beyond our means.
So we’re betting on our grassroots army to help us close the gap before the deadline in 4 days.
Taxpayer, if you can afford it, please follow this secure link and rush just $5 to help us end the FDA’s needless maximum-pain dog testing mandate on drug companies.
Taxpayer, if we can’t afford to protect our policies in the FDA’s spending bill, the pro-dog testing lobby will win, and at least 20,000 beagle puppies will be GASSED and KILLED next year (and every year after that).
We’re talking no anesthesia or even pain relief here, Taxpayer!
Our president and founder, Anthony Bellotti, is matching all donations until the deadline. There’s no better time to give!
Sharon Delaney
Administrative Manager
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. Taxpayer, we must raise at least 90% of our campaign budget by midnight on Saturday, or we may have to pause this campaign indefinitely. That’d be devastating for lab puppies across the country. Will you help us close the gap?

Taxpayer, I received very bad news over the weekend.
Our campaign to Cut Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Red Tape — and END the agency’s barbaric mandate that forces drug companies to poison and kill tens of thousands of puppies each year — is UNDER ATTACK.
APRIL 30 DEADLINE: Congress is setting the FDA’s budget right now. Will you rush an urgently needed contribution to help White Coat Waste (WCW) Project repeal the FDA's dog testing mandate?

Taxpayer, the pro-dog testing lobby is working overtime to CANCEL us. If they win, our policies will be removed from the FDA’s spending bill.
That means many more beagles will be bred to suffer and die painfully next year.
Let me break it down for you, Taxpayer:
- An outdated, 80-year-old FDA regulation forces drug makers to experiment on and kill 20,000+ puppies a year – many without anesthesia or pain relief.
- Industry doctors and scientists don’t want to kill these beagles. But FDA severely punishes them for choosing high-tech, non-dog alternatives.
- Poisoned. Gassed. Executed. 1/3 of all U.S. dog testing is done just because of useless, outdated government regulations like these. It’s infuriating!
Taxpayer, before I founded WCW Project, I saw flagrant waste and abuse like this when I worked in an animal lab. I also vowed to do something about it.
So I’m PERSONALLY matching every donation up to $9,000 — just until the budget deadline!
The system is SICK. Our campaign is the cure… but only if we can afford to sustain the fight. Will you chip in?

Taxpayer, over 95% of the drugs that pass in dogs fail in humans.
That’s why the first biopharmaceutical company has joined our historic campaign.
They specifically asked for WCW Project’s help to cut the FDA’s dog testing red tape.
Why? Because their own doctors and scientists witnessed our grassroots army (YOU!) make the FDA behave time and time again!
Remember when you helped us end FDA’s taxpayer-funded monkey nicotine addiction tests… and create the FDA’s first-ever Animal Welfare Council?
Or when you helped us change FDA’s policy to adopt out all its lab survivors... instead of just killing them?
Taxpayer, now we desperately need your help again: this time, to fend off the enemy’s assault and save our campaign before the deadline.
APRIL 30 DEADLINE: We have an EXTREMELY SHORT window to beat the pro-dog testing lobby and save thousands of puppies from being bred to suffer in pointless drug tests.
20,000+ puppies. One piece of red tape.
What do you say, Taxpayer?

Anthony Bellotti
President & Founder
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. Remember, Congress is setting the FDA’s budget as you read this email. Our budget deadline is midnight on Saturday.
So please, Taxpayer, don’t wait. If the red tape stays, tens of thousands more innocent puppies will be bred, traumatized, and abused at puppy mills across the country... then poisoned in max-pain toxicity tests.
P.P.S. If we cut this one FDA regulation, Taxpayer, we'll save at least 20,000 puppies a year from max-pain torture. Please send help!